The options are:
Type the file owner name in this box. The value must correspond to a valid login name or user ID in the specified group. |
Type the group of the file's owner in this box. The value must correspond to a valid group name or group ID. |
When selected, you're allowed to assign Read, Write, and Execute protection for Owner, Group, Others, and All. If the option is not selected, permissions are determined by the default creation mode on the host. |
When transferring an executable file, select to specify that the owner's permissions should determine access when the program is run (instead of using the permissions of the person running the program). |
Select to specify that the permissions of the login group of the person running the file determine access while the file is running. See chmod (1) in your UNIX documentation. |
If an executable file is prepared for sharing, selecting this option prevents the system from abandoning the swap space image of the program-text portion of the file when its last user terminates. When the next user of a file executes it, the text does not need to be read from the file system (it is swapped in), thus saving time. |