Receive Data from an AS/400

NOTE:If the transfer is one you'll be performing regularly, you can save your transfer settings in a transfer request file.

To receive data from an AS/400

  1. Click the Settings button, and configure the file transfer settings.

  2. From the AS/400, Options, and Translation tabs, specify the way you want Reflection to handle AS/400 transfers.

  3. Click OK.

  4. From the Transfer dialog box, under Host, specify the host file from which to receive data using one of the following techniques:

    • Click Show host files, and browse to select one or more host files. You can right-click on a file or member to view a brief description, if available. If the library containing the host file you need is not shown, click Add library and type the library name in the Add Library dialog box.


    • Type the file information using this syntax: LIBRARY/FILE(MEMBER).

      NOTE:If Reflection is configured to use a character set that is not supported by your host, you cannot display host files using the Show host files button.

  5. (Optional) To configure an SQL query, click Settings and from the SQL tab, build your query.

    Field information about the host file you selected becomes available when you select this tab.

  6. From the Transfer dialog box, specify a local destination for the data.

    To send data to

    Do this

    A file

    Specify a filename under Local.

    If you don't specify a filename, Reflection uses the host filename.

    A display window

    Click Settings, and then on the Options tab, select Display in the Output to list.

    A spreadsheet

    Click Settings, and then on the Options tab, select spreadsheet in the Output to list.

    Data is saved to a .DIF file.

  7. To initiate a file transfer, do one of the following:

    • Click a Transfer button to move the file in the indicated direction.


    • Drag the source file, and then drop it on the desired destination file.