Walkthrough: Create a Package with the Installation Customization Tool

The following example shows how to create and deploy a companion installer package to install a keyboard map file and a session document file.

To create a companion installer package MSI file that includes configuration files

  1. Make sure you know where the files you want to add are located. For this example, we are packaging the files in the following locations:

    Add this file

    In this directory


    C:\Users\yourUserName\Documents\Micro Focus\Reflection


    C:\Users\yourUserName\Documents\Micro Focus\Reflection\Keyboard Maps



  2. On your administrative workstation, open the Installation Customization Tool from a desktop shortcut or from a command line as follows:

    path_to_setup\setup.exe /admin

  3. In the Select Customization dialog box, choose Create a new Companion installer.

    The Installation Customization Tool opens in the mode used to create companion installer packages.

  4. From the ICT navigation pane, click Specify install locations. Then, under Installation type, select Installs only for the user who installs it.

    NOTE:For this example, we’ll deploy to an individual user. You can also choose to deploy to all users of the device.

  5. In the Navigation pane, select Add Files.

  6. in the Add files to list, select [PersonalFolder]. Then type in:

    \Micro Focus\Reflection\Keyboard Maps

    When you are done, the list entry is:

    [PersonalFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection\Keyboard Maps

    NOTE:When deploying the files to all users, you will need to use [CommonAppDataFolder ] instead of [PersonalFolder].

  7. Click Add. Then browse to the configuration file (myKeyboardMap.xkb) and click Open.

  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 to add the mySession.rd3x file to the [PersonalFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection location.

    NOTE:Be sure to specify the correct location for each file you add. Reflection looks for configuration files in specific locations. To find the correct file locations for any type of file see Customized Files and Where to Deploy Them.

    When you are finished adding files, the panel should look similar to the following:

  9. From the navigation pane, click Specify package information.

    • In the Add/Remove name box, enter the name for the package that you want to appear in the Windows Uninstall or change a program list.

    • In the Organization name box, enter the name of your department.

  10. From the File menu, save the package as an .msi file on the administrative installation point.