The Path Wizard

The Path Wizard provides a step-by-step way to configure the path requirements needed for a ALC, T27, and UTS terminal sessions. The Path Wizard can guide you to select the appropriate library and network for your connection type and other specifications required by the host. The Path Wizard also allows you configure paths that connect to host using centralized management server features such s ID Management.

NOTE:To modify an existing path use the Database Editor.

To launch the Path Wizard from the InfoConnect Workspace

  1. Start the InfoConnect Workspace.

  2. Select an ALC, UTS, or T27 terminal template and click Create. (The choices available depend on your InfoConnect product.)

  3. Click Create Path.

The prompts vary, depending on the host and connection type you select.

  • If your host uses terminal IDs, you'll need to provide a terminal address and ID in the format required by your host or, if you use ID management through the centralized management server, you'll need to provide the server URL.

  • For all types, before you can complete the wizard, you'll need to provide a name for your new path.

There are additional options for each connection type. If you are unsure about some of the information required, contact your system administrator.

For this connection type

You'll need this additional information


Gateway name

Protocol to use between the gateway and the host (MATIP, Apollo, or Sabre)

Host path name


Workstation name

Terminal type and global terminal identifier (GTID).


CCF transport configuration.


Device type

NetBIOS information for your host (name and LANA number)


Device type



Host application and initial transaction.

Authentication method (Kerberos, NTLM, or Userid/Password)

Host connection to use and how to connect

Host IP address or domain name


The host connection to use or the information you need to create a new host connection


Host path name

IP address or domain name of the NT gateway


NetBIOS information for your host (name and LANA number)


Terminal type

Terminal and device identifiers

Gateway name

For PEPGate-NB, you will also need to provide NetBIOS options.

Path to the configuration file to use

Primary and secondary hosts


Host name or IP address

Port number


Device type

Terminal type

Host name and IP address

Authentication method (Kerberos or Userid/Password)


The type of network you use (EDS SHARES, System One, or Amadeus)

Host name and IP address

Print host names