PTR System Tray Command Line Options

Use ptrstray.exe (PTR) or ptrsvrstray.exe (PTR Server) to run the PTR System tray from a command line. These commands support the following options:


Sets the initial location on the screen. Enter the following using integer values:

  • For example:
  • ptrsvrstray -L(10,20,400,200)


Disables all exiting/closing options. Removes the Exit selection from the menu, removes the system menu, suppresses Alt-F4, and removes some options from the context menu (available by right-clicking the icon).


Disables some exiting/closing options. Removes the Exit selection from the menu and suppresses Alt-F4.


Disables the Help.


Starts PTR System Tray in a minimized state.


Suppresses the PTR system tray icon in the Windows System Tray.