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Problem: The browser displays a message saying it is unable to display the Transfer Client log in page.
Is the Transfer Server running?
Open the Windows Services console and confirm that the Micro Focus Reflection Transfer Server is started.
NOTE:It might take awhile after the service has started in the Windows Services console before you can log in. To confirm that all startup processes are complete, open the Transfer Server server.log file and look for "Server Container started."
Is the required port open in the firewall?
Check that port 9492 is open inbound on the system running the Reflection Transfer Server.
Is the server certificate correctly configured?
Problem: The browser displays the message, "HTTP ERROR 403 Problem accessing /webxfer/ui/. Reason: Forbidden"
This message may appear if you launch an additional Reflection Transfer Client in a browser session that already has run the Transfer Client. To resolve the issue, close all instances of your browser, then start the Transfer Client.
To troubleshoot Transfer Client login issues, use the Transfer Server server log. The default location is:
C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\ReflectionGateway\TransferServer\logs\server.log
Also review the following troubleshooting guidelines.
Problem: The user sees an error message that says, "The username or password you entered is incorrect" or the login page refreshes without displaying any error.
Has the user been added to the Gateway Administrator?
In Gateway Administrator, click the Users tab and search each of the configured LDAP servers to confirm that the user exists.
If the user exists, is the password correct?
If a user in the ReflectionGateway LDAP server has forgotten the password, you can edit the user in Gateway Administrator to change the password.
If the user is in an added LDAP server, has the user entered the correct credentials for their user name on the LDAP server?
Connect to Gateway Administrator, go to System > LDAP Servers, select your server, click Edit, and check the values configured for Domain Name and Advanced domain settings.
Problem: The user sees an error message that says, "Server not configured. Please contact your system administrator."
Is Reflection Gateway user access configured on the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy?
See Enable Reflection Gateway Connections in the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy.
Have configuration changes affected the connection between the Reflection Gateway Proxy and the Gateway Administrator?
On the server running the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy Server, start the server console. On the Reflection Gateway Users pane, click Activate and verify.
Problem: The user sees an error message that says, "An unknown error has occurred. Please try again later or contact your system administrator."
Are the services running and available?
If you just restarted your Windows computer or just started your Gateway Administrator or the Transfer Server, wait a minute and try again. These services take a few moments to become available.
To confirm that the services are running, on each system, open the Windows Services console and confirm that the Micro Focus Reflection Gateway services are all running.
Are required ports open in your firewall?
Check that port 9190 is open from the Reflection Gateway Proxy to the Reflection Gateway Administrator. See Ports and Firewall Configuration.
Have you made configuration changes that affect the connection between the Reflection Gateway Proxy and the Gateway Administrator?
On the Reflection Gateway Proxy, start the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy console. On the Reflection Gateway Users pane, click Activate and verify.
Is clustering correctly configured?
If Gateway Administrator servers are configured with different server certificates, users might see this error when they attempt to log in.
The initial login to the Transfer Client succeeds, but the user does not get a successful connection to the server.
Try making a connection using an alternate SFTP client and connect to the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy. (See Transfer Files using an Alternate SFTP Client.) This helps determine if the problem is with the Reflection Transfer Client and Reflection Transfer Server service or the with the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy.
Refer to the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy log file for log information. To confirm that the client applet is working and able to connect to the server, look for "Connection from" followed by the client IP address. Check the timestamp and look for messages that follow the connection you are troubleshooting.
Also review the following troubleshooting guidelines.
Problem: The message "Loading: <User name>" is displayed next to the Logout button, but the page below remains empty and/or does not display the available Transfer Sites.
Confirm that the latest version of Java is installed on your system and that Java is enabled in your browser.
Problem: The message "Connection failed: <User name>" is displayed next to the Logout button and no error message dialog box is displayed.
Confirm that the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy service is running. On the Reflection Gateway Proxy server, open the Windows Services console. Confirm that "Micro Focus Reflection Secure Shell Proxy" is started.
If you are using a firewall, confirm that port 22 is open inbound to Reflection Gateway Proxy server.
If you need to support multiple simultaneous connections, you may have hit the limit of the default Service account. Running as the service account (the default) is limited by the operating system to 110 simultaneous client connections. This value is configured from the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy on the Reflection Gateway Users pane. Try configuring a User account. User accounts do not have this limitation.
Problem: A dialog box appears with the error message "User authentication failed. Exit Code 14" or the "Connecting" message hangs and is not followed by a successful connection. To troubleshoot these problems, start the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy console.
On the Reflection Gateway Users pane, confirm that Allow access to Reflection Gateway users enabled.
On the Reflection Gateway Users pane, click Activate and verify. The Web service connection dialog box will display a series of messages. If the connection is successful, the last message will read "Web service connection has been verified." If you see this message, the configuration changes made might have corrected the problem.
If you configured a User account, confirm that the credentials are valid. On the Reflection Gateway Users pane, click Select account. Select the account name, click Edit, then click Test.
Are there permissions settings denying login access? Check the Permissions pane and the Access Control panes. You can also determine if permission is denied by looking for warning messages in the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy server log file.
Problem: A dialog box appears with the error message "Unable to Initialize."
Are you connecting from a Windows server using Internet Explorer with enhanced security enabled?
Go to Start > Administrative Tools > Server Manager. In the Server Manager, click the top node (Server Manager) Under Server Summary, expand Security Information, and click Configure IE ESC.
The user makes a successful connection to the Transfer Client but is unable to transfer files.
Problem: The user sees an error message that says, "Failed to change to remote directory <directory name>."
Confirm that your Transfer Site file server is running. This message appears if a user attempts to drill down into transfer site directories when the SFTP server is down.
Problem: The user sees an error message that says, "Unable to execute the file transfer request. The remote directory <directory name> must exist."
Confirm that your Transfer site file server is running. This message appears if a user attempts to upload a file when the Transfer site file server is down.
Problem: User has difficulty managing drag-and-drop functionality.
As an alternative to drag-and-drop, right-click a local file and select Send file, or right-click a server file and select Receive file.
Problem: The user sees an error message that says, "The transfer operation to the host has failed or was canceled. Would you like to delete the remote file?"
This message indicates that a transfer is interrupted. Clicking Yes or No determines whether or not a partially uploaded file remains on the server.
Problem: After a user connects to the Transfer Client, the error message says, "X.509 client authentication is required. Please ensure you are passing a valid X.509 certificate that corresponds to a valid user in the system." This message appears when Gateway Administrator is configured to require authentication using X.509 certificates and authentication is not successful. This may be due to any of the following:
PKI Services Manager is not running or is not correctly configured in the Gateway Administrator.
Try testing the connection to PKI Services Manager from Gateway Administrator. Go to System > PKI Servers. Select your added server, click Edit, then click Verify Connection.
No certificate is available on the client system.
Has the client system been configured to use a smart card or present a personal certificate from the browser's personal certificate store?
The certificate is mapped to an invalid user account or is mapped to multiple user accounts.
The PKI Services Manager identity mapping must return a single, valid user for the presented certificate. Use the PKI Services Manager test utility to view allowed identities. (Start the PKI Services Manager console and go to Utility > Test Certificate.) The allowed identity list should consist of exactly one user, and that user must be provisioned in Gateway Administrator.
The certificate is valid, but PKI Services Manager is not correctly configured to validate it.
See "Troubleshooting PKI Services Manager Configuration" in the PKI Services Manager User Guide, which is available from
The certificate presented by the user is invalid.
The certificate is expired, has been revoked, or does not meet other certificate requirements for user authentication. Use the PKI Services Manager test utility to test the certificate. (Start the PKI Services Manager console and go to Utility > Test Certificate.) For detailed information about certificate validation requirements, see "Certificate Attribute Requirements Enforced by PKI Services Manager" in the PKI Services Manager User Guide, which is available from
The problem may be in your browser configuration.Try configuring and testing with an alternate browser.
File transfers between the Reflection Transfer Client and the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy Server are always binary. This means that the content of transferred files, including text file line endings, is not modified in any way during the transfer. If you are managing text file transfers from systems that use different line endings (for example Mac or UNIX files transferred to the Windows server), use a text-file conversion utility to modify line endings.
Text file line ending conversion is configurable for file transfers between the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy and a remote SFTP server. Configure this from the Remote SFTP Server Connection dialog box using the Options tab. By default, files with txt, htm, html, bat, and cmd are transferred as text files. You can modify this list of text file types, and specify which line ending convention should be used on the remote server for transferred text files. (The default is to determine the correct line ending automatically. Automatic line conversion is available if you are connecting to other Reflection Secure Shell Proxy servers; it will not work with OpenSSH servers.)
For transfers involving all three systems (the Transfer Client, the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy, and a remote SFTP server) where text conversion is configured and working on the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy:
All files exposed by the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy for download will have Windows line endings.
The Reflection Secure Shell Proxy expects all uploaded files to have Windows line endings.