Define a Post Transfer Action in Reflection for Secure IT

If you have configured Reflection for Secure IT as your Transfer Site file server, you can add Post Transfer Actions to this server.

Before you begin

To configure Post Transfer Actions in the Reflection for Secure IT Server for Windows

  1. From Reflection for Secure IT Server console, go to Configuration > Post Transfer Actions.

  2. Click Add to create a new Post Transfer Action.

    For information about configuring File filter, Program, and Arguments, refer to the dialog box help and the Examples that follow.

  3. Save your settings (File > Save Settings).


Use these examples as models for testing and configuring Post Transfer Actions in a Reflection for Secure IT Server for Windows.

Example 1: Send a directory listing to the log file

This example sends a directory listing to the log file. The default file filter triggers the action after every upload. The program for these Post Transfer Actions must be specified using the full path; in this example it is the path to the Windows cmd command. The $FILE_PATH$ token is used to get the listing of the upload directory. Because the destination directory might include spaces, this token is enclosed in double quotation marks.

File filter: .*

Program: C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe

Arguments: /c dir "$FILE_PATH$"

NOTE:Use the /c argument when you use the Windows cmd command. This switch specifies that cmd should exit after the specified command is carried out.

Example 2: Copy uploaded PDF documents to specified directory

This example copies uploaded PDF files to an existing destination directory. The file filter uses a regular expression to specify all files with a .pdf file extension.

File filter: .*\.pdf

Program: C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe

Arguments: /c copy "$FULL_PATH$" c:\out