Roles in Reflection Gateway

You can assign roles to any group in the ReflectionGateway directory. To enable users to perform tasks, assign them to a group with the required role or roles enabled.

  • To log on to Gateway Administrator, a user must have at least one of these roles enabled.

  • To view the roles assigned to a user, select the user in the Users list and click Edit. See Roles inherited from group membership at the bottom of the Edit User page.

  • The default Administrators group has all roles enabled. In addition, members of this group can view all Transfer Sites and Jobs. Only members of this group have this privilege; all other users can view only those Jobs they have created and Transfer Sites they have the right to manage.

  • The default File Transfer Administrators group has Manage transfer sites, Manage jobs, and Manage Reflection Gateway users enabled.

The following roles are available:



System Setup

Can view Groups, System, and About.

Can modify all system settings. Can add groups and edit groups and modify the membership list of a group.

Manage actions

Can view Actions and About.

Can create and edit Post Transfer Actions.

Manage transfer sites

Can view Transfer Sites and About.

Can create and edit Transfer Sites. Can add existing users and groups to sites. Can add new sites using Quick Add, but cannot provision new users this way unless Manage Reflection Gateway users is also enabled. Cannot view the New Reflection Gateway User section of the New Transfer Site page unless Manage Reflection Gateway users is also enabled.

Manage jobs

Can view Jobs and About.

Can create and edit Jobs.

Manage Reflection Gateway users

Can view Users and About.

Can add and edit Reflection Gateway users and passwords. Cannot modify group membership.