The Message to be Displayed

All user messages are displayed in the Global Message Area.

The Global Message Area is the layout section of nidp_latest.jsp that gets data from the <divid="globalMessage"> element.

A user message can be displayed as a prompt that correlates with the current activity that is executing in the content div area. For example, Authentication Failed: Invalid Credentials can be displayed during a Name / Password login while the content <div> refreshes the login form.

A user message can also be displayed when the Content Area is empty. This situation arises when the user message is terminal in nature to the previously executed Content Area activity. For example, when an error occurs during an X509 Mutual Certificate Authentication, the message, Error occurred during User Certificate Authentication. Please contact Administrator is displayed in the Global Message Area and the Content Area will be empty.

In the nidp_latest.jsp implementation, many Identity Server conditions are verified that can lead to setting a value for the Global Message Area. The value is set using code similar to the following:

strGlobalMessageText =

The messages that cause the Content Area to be empty are those that are queried from Identity Server.

NIDPMessage msg = handler.getMessage(true);

If the message is an error message, then it is displayed in the Global Message Area and the getToContent() JavaScript function is not called to populate the Content Area. This mechanism uses the message_latest.jsp file to set the Global Message Area value.

The following sections explain how to modify the login page that the JSP files create:

Rebranding the Header

  1. On the Home page, click Branding.

  2. Select the required Identity Server cluster.

  3. Modify Title as per requirement.

  4. Modify the background color using Left Background Color and Right Background Color.

  5. Click Change Image to replace the NetIQ logo on the right of the header.

  6. Continue with one of the following tasks:

Customizing the Card Display

To control what appears in the Authentication Cards section, use the Show Card option that appears on the definition of each card. If this option is not selected, the card does not appear in the Authentication Cards section. Each contract has an associated card. For information about modifying the card options, see Section 6.1.4, Configuring Authentication Contracts.

Perform one of the following tasks:

Customizing the Credential Frame

You can modify login.jsp to prompt users for an identifier other than the username. To do this, you need to create a method that sets up the appropriate query to find the user in the user store with an identifier other than the username. Then create a contract that uses this method. You also need to modify the prompt in login.jsp to match the identifier you are prompting for.

  1. Create a method with the appropriate query:

    1. On the Home page, click Identity Servers > [cluster name] > Authentication > Methods > Plus icon.

    2. Specify a Name.

    3. Select a class that is a username/password class from the list.

    4. Turn on Identifies User and configure the user store according to your needs.

    5. Click Advanced Settings > Plus icon, and specify the following properties:

      Property Name

      Property Value



      This property is defined to query the user store for the attribute you want to use rather than the cn attribute (in this case, the mail attribute of the person class). Change mail to the name of the attribute in your user store that you want to use for the user identifier.

      The %Ecom_User_ID% variable is the default variable name on the login page. You can change this to something similar to %EMail_Address% if you also change the value in your custom login page.

      For more information about how to use this property, see Query Property.



      Replace <filename> with the name of the custom login.jsp page you are going to create, so that the page prompts the user for an e-mail address rather than a username. This must be the filename without the JSP extension. For example, if the name of your file is email_login.jsp, then specify email_login for the property value.

    6. Click Save.

  2. Create a contract that uses this method:

    1. On the Home page, click Identity Servers > [cluster name] > Authentication > Contracts > Plus icon.

    2. Select the method you just created.

    3. Configure the other options to fit your requirements.

      If you are creating multiple custom login pages with customized credentials, you might want to use the URI to hint at which custom login.jsp file is used with which custom nidp_latest.jsp file. For example, the following URI values have the filename of the login page followed by the name of the custom nidp_latest.jsp page:


      See Section 6.1.4, Configuring Authentication Contracts.

    4. Update Identity Server.

  3. Modify the login.jsp file.

    1. (Conditional) If you modified the %Ecom_User_ID% variable, find the string in the file and replace it with your variable.

    2. (Conditional) If you need to support only one language, modify the prompt as follows:

      1. Locate the following string in the file:

      2. Replace it with the string you want. For example, <label>Email Address:</label>

    For information about how to modify a file, see Modifying Configurations.

  4. (Conditional) If you need to localize the prompt for multiple languages, create a custom message properties file for the login prompt. See To Customize Identity Server Messages.

    1. Add the following definition t your custom file to prompt the user for an e-mail address:

      JSP.50=Email Address:
    2. Translate the value and add this entry to your localized custom properties files.

    3. Add the custom properties files to the /opt/novell/nam/idp/webapps/nidp/WEB-INF/classes folder of the appropriate Identity Server cluster using Advanced File Configurator. For more information, see Adding Configurations to a Cluster.

  5. To specify which customized nidp_latest.jsp to display with the contract, you must modify the main.jsp file. Continue with Adding Logic to the main.jsp File.

Customizing the nidp.jsp File to Customize Error Message

Identity Server publishes a generic error message for the error code during SAML failure, such as request denied or Invalid Name ID Policy. You can customize nidp JSP file and write an appropriate error message for redirection or to inform the user about the issue.

In the following example, the specified code snippet is for simulating the InvalidNameIDPolicy error for SAML 2.0.

Perform the following steps to customize error message:

  1. Generate an error condition with, for example, Invalid Name ID Policy.

  2. In the nidp_latest.jsp file, add the following code for redirection:

    com.novell.nidp.ui.MenuHandler redirectMenuHandler;
            com.novell.nidp.NIDPMessage redirectMessage;
        String redirectCause;
            redirectMenuHandler = new MenuHandler(request, response);
            redirectMessage = redirectMenuHandler.getMessage(true);
            if (redirectMessage != null && redirectMessage instanceof
    com.novell.nidp.NIDPError) {
            redirectCause = ((com.novell.nidp.NIDPError)
            System.out.println("************** redirectCause" + redirectCause);
            if (redirectCause != null && 
    redirectCause.indexOf("InvalidNameIDPolicy") != -1) {

    For information about how to modify a file, see Modifying Configurations.

  3. Verify that when failure occurs, SAML shows the following message in the authentication response:


    Due to the customized nidp_latest.jsp file, SAML redirects to the specified location.

  4. Rerun the failure and verify that instead of displaying 300101008, the nidp page redirects to the specified location.