Scheduling a Command

  1. On the Home page, click Access Gateways.

  2. (Conditional) To schedule a shutdown or restart, select a server, then click Actions > Schedule Restart or Schedule Stop. Continue with Step 4.

  3. (Conditional) To schedule an upgrade for Access Gateway Appliance, click [server name] > Upgrade > Schedule Upgrade.

  4. Specify the following details:



    Name Scheduled Command

    Specify a name for this command. This name is used in log files.


    (Optional) Specify a reason for the command.

    Date & Time

    Select the day, month, year, hour, and minute when the command must execute.

    The following fields display information about the command you are scheduling:

    Type: Displays the type of command that is being scheduled, such as Access Gateway Shutdown, Access Gateway Restart, or Access Gateway Upgrade.

    Server: Displays the name of the server that the command is being scheduled for.

  5. Click OK.