Do not enable logging until you design a logging strategy. See Determining Logging Requirements.
On the Home page, click Access Gateways > Edit > [Name of Reverse Proxy] > [Name of Proxy Service] > Audit and Logging.
Specify the following details:
Enable Logging: Select this field to enable logging.
Log Directory: Default location for log files of proxy service is /var/log/novell/reverse/<reverse_proxy_name>.
In the Logging Profile List, click one of the following options:
New: Click this option to create a new logging profile. Then specify a name and select either Common or Extended.
Default: Click Default to modify or view the settings for the Default profile. The Default profile uses the common log options.
A logging profile determines the type of information that is written to the log file; it also manages rollover and old file options.
Continue with one of the following: