Configuring Common Log Options

Use the common log options page to control log rollover and old file options. The data included in a log entry is controlled by a default configuration that includes the following:

  • Date and time of the request

  • IP address of the client

  • Remote host name

  • The request line as it came from the client

  • The HTTP status code returned to the client

  • The number of bytes in the document transferred to the client

Access Gateway does not allow active log files to be deleted. Only log files that have been closed can be deleted. The rollover options allow you to control when a file is rolled over and closed, and a new file is created. The old file options allow you to control when the rolled-over log files are deleted.

To configure a default log file for a selected proxy service:

  1. On the Home page, click Access Gateways > Edit > [Name of Reverse Proxy] > [Name of Proxy Service] > Audit and Logging > [Name of Common Log Profile].

  2. Select one of the following rollover options:

    Rollover When File Size Reaches: Rolls the file when it reaches the specified number of megabytes.

    Rollover every: Rolls the file at the specified interval. You can specify the interval in hours or days.

    • beginning: Specifies the day that the interval should begin. You can select a day of the week or the first of the month.

    • at: Select the hour of the day that the interval should begin and the time zone (either the local time zone or GMT).

  3. Select one of the following old file options:

    Limit Number of Files to: Allows you to limit the number of old log files on the system to the number specified in this option. The oldest file is automatically deleted when this number is reached. All logging data in deleted files is lost.

    Delete Files Older Than: Allows you to configure Access Gateway to delete files when they are older than the time you specify. All logging data in deleted files is lost.

    Do Not Delete: Prevents the system from automatically deleting the log files. A maximum of 65535 files can be stored for a proxy service when you select this option.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Click Access Gateways > Update > OK.