Configuring an Intersite Transfer Service Target for a Service Provider

If you have created web pages containing Intersite Transfer Service URL (see Using Intersite Transfer Service Links on Web Pages), you can configure Identity Server to control the TARGET parameter.

  1. On the Home page, click Applications > Select a Cluster > [application name] > SAML v2.0 Service Provider > Intersite Transfer.

  2. Specify the following details:

    ID: (Optional) Specify an alphanumeric value that identifies the target.

    If you specified an ID for the target, you can use this value to simplify the Intersite Transfer URL that must be configured at the service provider. This is the <user_definedID> value in the following format for the Intersite Transfer URL.

    <identity provider URL>?id=<user_definedID>

    The ID specified here allows Identity Server to find the service provider’s metadata.

    NOTE:If you have defined Unique Id for a specific trusted service provider, you cannot simplify the Intersite Transfer URL on the Intersite Transfer Service page in Administration Console. You must specify the complete idpsend URL.

    When a trusted service provider is configured with a unique ID, the idpsend URL is in the following format:<unique id configured in admin console>&TARGET= 

    Target: Specify the URL of the page that you want to display to users when they authenticate with an Intersite Transfer URL.The behavior of this option is influenced by the Allow any target option. It is recommended to specify a default target URL. For example,

    Allow any target: This is an optional field.

    • When you select this option:

      • If the Intersite Transfer URL has a target value, then the user is sent to target URL.

      • If the Intersite Transfer URL does not have a target value, then the user is sent to the configured target, that is,

    • When you do not select this option:

      • If the Intersite Transfer URL has a target value, then the user is sent to the target irrespective of the target mentioned in the Intersite Transfer URL.

      • If the Intersite Transfer URL does not have a target value, the user is sent to

  3. Click OK > OK.

  4. Update Identity Server.