Editing Cluster Details

  1. On the Home page, click Identity Servers > [cluster name] > Cluster Actions > Cluster Details.

    The Cluster Details page contains the following tabs:

    • General: To modify the cluster name or its settings, continue with Step 2.

    • Health: Click to view the health of the cluster.

    • Alerts: Click to view the alerts generated by members of the cluster.

  2. Modify the following details as required:



    Back Channel Communication

    Specify a communications channel over which the cluster members maintain the integrity of the cluster. For example, this TCP channel is used to detect members when they join or leave the cluster. A small percentage of this TCP traffic is used to help cluster members determine which cluster member can handle a request more efficiently. This backchannel must not be confused with IP address/port over which cluster members provide proxy requests to peer cluster members.

    • Port: Specify the TCP port of the backchannel on all Identity Servers in the cluster. 7801 is the default TCP port.

    • Encrypt: Encrypts the content of the messages sent between cluster members.

    Level 4 Switch Port Translation

    Configure the L4 switch to translate the port of the incoming request to a new port when the request is sent to a cluster member. Because the cluster members communicate with each other over the same IP address/port as the L4 switch, the cluster implementation needs to know what that port is. The translated port is the port on the cluster members where other cluster members can contact it. This is the IP address and port where cluster members provide proxy requests to other cluster members.

    • Enable Cluster Server Translation: Select to specify whether the port of the L4 switch is different from the port of the cluster member. For example, enable this option when the L4 switch is using port 443 and Identity Server is using port 8443.

    • Port: Specify the port of the cluster member.

    Failover Peer Server

    For information, see Configuring Session Failover.

  3. Click Done.

  4. Update Identity Server when prompted.