Assigning a Timeout Per Protected Resource

If all your resources are using the same contract and you want them all to have the same timeout for inactivity, you set the Authentication Timeout option on the contract to the required limit and leave the Activity Realm option blank. The user logs in, and activity by the user on any resource keeps the user’s session active. The user is prompted to reauthenticate only when the user has no activity on any resources for longer than the authentication timeout value.

If you have some resources that require a shorter timeout than other resources, you need to balance the need for single sign-on with the timeout requirements:

  • To strictly enforce a timeout, the resource needs to be assigned to a custom contract.

  • To preserve single sign-on, resources need to be assigned to the same contract.

The protected resource is assigned to use a contract, and the timeout is assigned to the contract. For information about how to configure the contract, see Configuring Authentication Contracts.

The following sections describe configuration scenarios and the user experience that they create.

Scenario 1: If strictly adhering to the timeout value is more important than preserving the session or single sign-on, configure your resources as follows:

  • Protected resource 1 (PR1) is configured to use contract 1 (C1), which has been created from method 1 (M1) and placed in its own activity realm (AR1). For this scenario you set the authentication timeout to 30 minutes.

  • Protected resource 2 (PR2) is configured to use contract 2 (C2), which has been created from method 2 (M2) and placed in its own activity realm (AR2). For this scenario, you set the authentication timeout to 15 minutes.

With this scenario, the user is prompted to log in when accessing PR1 and when accessing PR2. Each resource has its own time line, because each resource belongs to its own activity realm. Figure 2-8 The figure below illustrates this scenario.

Figure 2-8 Login Requirements with Separate Methods and Separate Activity Realms

After authenticating to both resources and remaining active on both resources for the first 10 minutes, the sessions remain active. The user then stays active on PR1 without accessing PR2 for over 15 minutes. The AR1 time line is updated with this activity. The AR2 time line is not updated. When the user accesses PR2 after more than 15 minutes of inactivity on the AR2 time line, the user is prompted to authenticate. The user then returns to PR1 after over 20 minutes of inactivity, but AR1 time line shows activity within the 30-minute timeout. The user is granted access and does not need to log in again to access PR1.

In this scenario, the resources are independent of each other and do not influence each other’s timeout limits.

Scenario 2: If you are willing to allow a resource to influence the timeout of another resource, configure your resources as follows:

  • Protected resource 1 (PR1) is configured to use contract 1 (C1), which has been created from method 1 (M1) and placed in a shared activity realm (shared1). For this scenario you set the authentication timeout to 30 minutes.

  • Protected resource 2 (PR2) is configured to use contract 2 (C2), which has been created from method 2 (M2) and placed in a shared activity realm (shared1). For this scenario, you set the authentication timeout to 15 minutes.

With this scenario, the user is prompted to log in when accessing PR1 and when accessing PR2. Activity at either resource updates the shared1 time line. Figure 2-9 illustrates this scenario.

Figure 2-9 Login Requirements for Separate Methods with a Shared Activity Realm

As long as the user is active on PR1, the user’s session to PR2 remains active. After 20 minutes of activity on PR1, the user returns to PR2. The user is allowed access and does not need to log in because the shared1 time line shows activity within the last 5 minutes. The user remains active on PR2 for over 30 minutes, then accesses PR1. Again, the shared1 time line shows activity within the last 5 minutes, so the user is granted access to PR1 without logging in again.

With this configuration, activity at other resources influences the time limits so that they are not strictly enforced.

Scenario 3: If single sign-on is more important than strictly enforcing a timeout value, NetIQ recommends that you configure all contracts to have the same authentication timeout value.

If you configure your resources as follows, you might not get the behavior you require:

  • Protected resource 1 (PR1) is configured to use contract 1 (C1), which has been created from method 1 (M1) and placed in a shared activity realm (shared1). For this scenario you set the authentication timeout to 30 minutes.

  • Protected resource 2 (PR2) is configured to use contract 2 (C2), which has been created from method 1 (M1) and placed in a shared activity realm (shared1). For this scenario, you set the authentication timeout to 15 minutes.

Because C1 and C2 are created from the same method (M1), the user does not need to log in twice to access both resources. Logging in to one resource allows them access to the other resource. Figure 2-10 illustrates this scenario.

Figure 2-10 Login Requirements for Shared Methods and Shared Realms

The user first logs in to PR2 and is active for 10 minutes. The shared1 time line gets updated with this activity. When the user requests access to PR1, the user is granted access without being prompted for credentials. The user is then active on PR1 for over 20 minutes. When the user requests access to PR2, even though the user has been inactive on this resource for over 20 minutes, the user is granted access because the time line shows activity within the last five minutes.

With this configuration, PR2 does not time out as long as the user remains active on PR1. However, when the user goes inactive on both PR2 and PR1 for over 15 minutes and the user requests access to PR1, the time line shows no activity within the time limit specified for PR2 and the user is prompted to log in.

Scenario 4: It is not recommended to set different authentication timeouts on contracts and then use the Any contract option for protected resources. If you want to use the Any contract, then you must set the authentication timeout to the same value on all contracts. If the timeouts are not the same, you cannot consistently predict what timeouts are being applied to the various protected resources. For example, the user requests access to a resource that is protected with a contract with a short timeout. The user logs in, then accesses resources that use the Any contract option. All of these resources are assigned a short timeout.The user then goes inactive and the session times out. The user then requests access to a resource with a contract with a long timeout. The user logs in, and after a few minutes, accesses same resources protected with the Any contract option. These resources are now assigned the long timeout value.