Customizing Tooltip Text for Authentication Contracts

You can customize the strings that users see when they mouse over the cards for authentication contracts. If you need to support only one language, modify the text in Administration Console.

  1. On the Home page, click Identity Servers > [cluster name] > Authentication > Contracts.

  2. Click the name of a contract and then click Authentication Card.

  3. Replace the English text in the Text option with the required language, and then click Done.

  4. Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 for each contract in the list.

  5. Click Save and then update Identity Server.

To support multiple languages, you need to localize the tooltips. The nidsCardText attribute of the nidsAuthLocalContract object needs to be changed to a resource ID. The following procedure explains how to do this in Administration Console. You can also use an LDAP browser.

  1. On the Home page, click Identity Servers > [cluster name] > Authentication > Contracts.

  2. Click the name of a contract and then click Authentication Card.

  3. Replace the text in the Text option with a resource ID.

    For example, replace Name/Password - Form with CUSTOM_NamePwdFormToolTip.

  4. Click Done.

  5. Repeat Step 2 through Step 4 for each contract in the list.

  6. Click Save and update Identity Server.

  7. Use custom string resource files to define the localized strings:

    1. For each supported language, create a properties file in WEB-INF/classes. For example:

      If you have already created these files for custom messages (see To Customize Identity Server Messages), use the existing files.

    2. Modify the file, and for each resource ID that you created add an entry containing the resource ID and the text you want to display for that language. For example:

      CUSTOM_NamePwdFormToolTip=Forma de Nombre/Clave

      For information about how to modify the file, see Modifying Configurations.

    3. Repeat Step 7.b for each supported language file.

    4. Restart Tomcat by clicking the Update All icon on the Identity Servers page.