Common Errors

[ERROR] SamlViolatesSaml:

Error parsing AuthenticationMethod: Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.

Cause: This is because the contract has the wrong format for its URI. The URI must start with urn: or http://. Change the contract and try again.

[ERROR] Saml contains an unknown NameIdentifierFormat:

Issuer=; Format=urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified

Cause: The name identifier format is set to unspecified, and it needs to be set to E-mail.

[ERROR] Saml contains an unknown Claim name/namespace:

Issuer=; Namespace=urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:assertion; Name=emailaddress

Cause: The emailAddress attribute is not in the correct namespace for WSFed.

CRL Errors

  • 2008-08-01T19:56:55 [WARNING] VerifyCertChain: Cert chain did not verify - error code was 0x80092012

  • 2008-08-01T19:56:55 [ERROR] KeyInfo processing failed because the trusted certificate does not have a a valid certificate chain. Thumbprint = 09667EB26101A98F44034A3EBAAF9A3A09A0F327

  • 2008-08-01T19:56:55 [WARNING] Failing signature verification because the KeyInfo section failed to produce a key.

  • 2008-08-01T19:56:55 [WARNING] SAML token signature was not valid: AssertionID = idZ0KQH0kfjVK8kmKfv6YaVPglRNo

Cause: The CRL check is not turned off. See Disabling CRL Checking.

[ERROR] EmailClaim.set_Email:

Email 'mPmNXOA8Rv+j16L1iNKn/4HVpfeJ3av1L9c0GQ==' has invalid format

Cause: The drop-down list next to E-mail in the identifier format was not changed from <Not Specified> to a value with a valid e-mail address in it.