Uploading and Configuring a JAR File

To install an extension, you need to have access to the JAR file and know the following information about the extension or extensions contained within the file:

What you need to create

  • A display name for the extension.

  • A description for the extension.

What you need to know

  • The policy type of the extension, which defines the policy type it can be used with. You must know whether it is an extension for an Access Gateway Authorization policy, an Access Gateway Identity Injection policy, or an Identity Server Role policy.

  • The name of the class that is used by the extension. Each data type usually uses a different Java factory class.

  • The filename of the extension.

  • The names, IDs, and mapping type of any configuration parameters. Configuration parameters allow the policy engine to pass data to the extension, which the extension can then use to retrieve data or to evaluate a condition.

  • The type of data the extension manipulates.


Authorization Policy: You can use it to return the following:

  • An action of deny, permit, or obligation.

  • A condition that the extension evaluates and returns either true or false.

  • A data element that the extension retrieves and the policy can use for evaluating a condition.

Identity Injection Policy: A data extension that retrieves data for injecting into a header.

Identity Role Policy: You can use it to return the following:

  • A condition that the extension evaluates and returns either true or false.

  • A data element that the extension retrieves which can be used in evaluating a condition or used to assign roles.

External Attribute Source Policy: A data extension that retrieves attributes from external sources.

If the file contains more than one extension, create a configuration for each extension in the file.

  1. Copy the JAR file to a location that you can browse to from Administration Console.

  2. On the Home page, click Policies > Extensions.

  3. Click Upload > Browse, select the file, and click Open.

  4. (Conditional) If you want this JAR file to overwrite an existing version of the file, select Overwrite existing *.jar file.

  5. Click OK.

    The file is uploaded to Administration Console, but nothing is visible on the Extensions page until you create a configuration.

  6. To create an extension configuration, click New, and specify the following details:

    Name: Specify a display name for the extension.

    Description: (Optional) Specify the purpose of the extension and how it must be used.

    Policy Type: Select the type of extension you have uploaded.

    Type: Select the data type of the extension.

    Class Name: Specify the name of the class that creates the extension, such as com.acme.policy.action.successActionFactory.

    File Name: Select the JAR file that contains the class name that implements the extension and its corresponding factory. This must be the file you uploaded in Step 3.

  7. Click OK.

  8. (Conditional) If the extension requires data from Access Manager, click the extension name.

  9. In the Configuration Parameters section, click New, specify a name and ID, and click OK.

    The developer of the extension must supply the name and ID that the extension requires.

  10. In the Mapping column, select the required data type.

    The developer of the extension must supply the data type that is required. If the data type is a data string, then the developer needs to explain the type of information you need to supply in the text field.

  11. (Conditional) If the extension requires more than one data item, repeat Step 9 and Step 10.

  12. Click OK.

    The extension is now available for the policy type it was created for.

  13. (Conditional) If the class can be used for multiple policy types, you need to create an extension configuration for each policy type.

    For example, if an extension can be used for both an Identity Injection policy and a Role policy, you need to create an entry for both. The File Name option must contain the same value, but the other options must contain unique values.

  14. Continue with Distributing a Policy Extension.