Chapter 3: Administration Using Console Commands

This chapter describes the console commands available for administering Mainframe Access.


Mainframe Access provides a number of console commands that you can use to control execution and display the operational status of Mainframe Access. To use these commands, you must be authorized to use z/OS system console commands. Most of the commands are variants of the z/OS Modify (F) command, with the general format:

F your-procedure-name,command-text

where the parameters are:

your-procedure-name The name of your Mainframe Access startup JCL as explained in the section Mainframe Access Data Sets in the chapter Configuration
command-text One of the commands described in the section Console Commands

You use the z/OS Start (S) command to start Mainframe Access:

S your-procedure-name

You use the z/OS Stop (P) command to stop Mainframe Access:

P your-procedure-name

You can enter the commands in any of the following ways:

You can also control and monitor the operation of Mainframe Access through a Web browser interface that offers functionality in addition to that provided by the console commands. For further information on the Web browser interface see the chapter Administration Using the Web Interface.

Console Commands

All the available console commands are described in this section.


Starts the Mainframe Access task. Mainframe Access automatically starts the Mainframe Access Data Connect server, MFAS, during initialization.

Here is an example of a Start command and the response:

15:49:32.45 CSIRLW1  00000290  S MFA
15:49:32.47 STC05579 00000090  $HASP100 MFA ON STCINRDR
15:49:32.55 STC05579 00000090  $HASP373 MFA  STARTED
15:49:32.55 STC05579 00000090  IEF403I MFA - STARTED - TIME=15.49.32
15:49:32.85 STC05579 00000090  MFM0014I: Mainframe Access V3.01 (ga) for YOUR_COMPANY_NAME
15:49:32.85 STC05579 00000090  MFM0066I: Address space type is CTLRGN
15:49:32.86 STC05579 00000090  MFM0057I: GTF user record id (eid) is 00E9
15:49:32.86 STC05579 00000090  MFM0012I: TCP port number is 1503
15:49:32.86 STC05579 00000090  MFM0013I: Admin port number is 1504
15:49:32.86 STC05579 00000090  MFM0047I: DSS maximum shared public files is 10
15:49:32.86 STC05579 00000090  MFM0055I: DSS scan interval is 2 minutes
15:49:32.86 STC05579 00000090  MFM0054I: SMF recording is off, record id is zero or invalid
15:49:32.87 STC05579 00000090  MFM0063I: MFA Direct is active
15:49:32.87 STC05579 00000090  MFM0064I: MFA Direct number of processing tasks is 5
15:49:33.16 STC05579 00000090  MFMDS052I CA/PanValet Ready
15:49:33.21 STC05579 00000090  MFMDS055I MCG/RPC feature inactive
15:49:33.22 STC05579 00000090  MFMDS001I DSS Server Ready
15:49:36.92 STC05579 00000090  MFM0001I: Mainframe Access V3.01 (ga) is active
15:49:37.00 STC05580 00000090  $HASP100 MFAS ON STCINRDR
15:49:37.06 STC05580 00000090  $HASP373 MFAS  STARTED
15:49:37.06 STC05580 00000090  IEF403I MFAS - STARTED - TIME=15.49.37
15:49:37.23 STC05580 00000090  MFA302I.MFAS.MFARSC00 / ATTACHING VTAM PROCESSOR
15:49:37.24 STC05580 00000090  MFA303I.MFAS.MFARSC00 / MFA/MVS V3.01 - PTF 2001PTF6 COPYRIGHT (C)
                               1987-2003 MICRO FOCUS INTERNATIONAL LTD.


Stops the Mainframe Access task. Mainframe Access automatically stops the Mainframe Access Data Connect server, MFAS, during shutdown. Shutdown may take anywhere from 30 seconds to a few minutes, depending on the level of activity in the system.

Here is an example of a Stop command and the response:

16:44:18.52 CSIRLW1  00000290  P MFA
16:44:21.52 STC05579 00000290  P MFAS
16:44:21.68 STC05580 00000090  MFA317I.MFAS.MFARSC00 / HAS BEEN TERMINATED
16:44:21.69 STC05579 00000090  MFMDS005I DSS Server shutdown
16:44:21.70 STC05580 00000090  IEF404I MFAS - ENDED - TIME=16.44.21
16:44:21.70 STC05580 00000090  $HASP395 MFAS  ENDED
16:44:32.77 STC05579 00000090  MFM0011I: Mainframe Access shutdown completed
16:44:32.82 STC05579 00000090  IEF404I MFA - ENDED - TIME=16.44.32
16:44:32.82 STC05579 00000090  $HASP395 MFA  ENDED


Activates detailed tracing of all Mainframe Access activity. Trace output is directed to the destination (SYSPRINT, GTF or CONSOLE) specified by the TRACE parameter during Mainframe Access startup. For more information about these options see the entry for the TRACE parameter in the section Editing Mainframe Access Parameters in the chapter Configuration. For a tip about viewing trace data sent to SYSPRINT interactively see the FLUSH XDBOUTcommand description

Here is an example of a TRACE ON command and the response:

MFM0015I: MFM0025I: Trace set to data level on

The TRACE SHORT command activates the same detailed tracing as does the TRACE ON command. The SHORT option limits the display of send data, receive data and storage areas to 256 characters. This can be useful in reducing the amount of trace output, particularly when the message sizes are large.

Here is an example of a TRACE SHORT command and the response:

MFM0015I: MFM0025I: Trace set to data level on


Turns off the Mainframe Access activity trace started by the TRACE ON or TRACE SHORT command.

Here is an example of a TRACE OFF command and the response:

MFM0015I: MFM0026I: Trace set to data level off


Directs Mainframe Access to re-read the access list from the currently active access list data set (the access list identified by the //XDBACC DD statement in the Mainframe Access startup JCL). You can update the access list by adding, removing or updating PERMIT, REJECT and ADMUSER lines, as described in the section Editing Access List Definitions in the chapter Configuration. When your updates are complete, use REFRESH ACCESSLIST to replace the currently active access list with your updated list without stopping and restarting Mainframe Access.

Here is an example of a REFRESH ACCESSLIST command and the response:

MFM0015I: Refresh Access List has completed


Displays information about the target servers which Mainframe Access has successfully connected to by establishing one or more LU6.2 sessions in response to client requests. Target servers are known to Mainframe Access by their SNA LU name or APPLID.

Here is an example of a DISPLAY LU command and the resulting display:

MFM0015I:  ***************************************************
MFM0015I:  *                   PLU Status                    *
MFM0015I:  ***************************************************
MFM0015I:  ******* Partner LU Status
MFM0015I:  LU Name..........LUDB27R
MFM0015I:     Mod Entry........IBMRDB
MFM0015I:     Status...........Active
MFM0015I:  LU Name..........MFA62ACB
MFM0015I:     Mod Entry........#INTER
MFM0015I:     Status...........Active


Displays basic TCP/IP configuration information from the Mainframe Access parameters (port number, company name and connection backlog) followed by the information displayed by the DISPLAY LU and DISPLAY CONVERSATION commands. On a busy system this display can be very long and we recommend that you use the Web Administration interface for this function; see the sections Target LU Status Page and Conversation Status Page in the chapter Administration Using the Web Interface.

Here is an example of a DISPLAY TCPSTATUS command and the resulting display:

MFM0015I:  ***************************************************
MFM0015I:  *                   TCP Status                    *
MFM0015I:  ***************************************************
MFM0015I:  Server Port Number.......1503
MFM0015I:  Web Server Port Number...1504
MFM0015I:  OID....................YOUR_COMPANY_NAME
MFM0015I:  Number of Backlogs.......5
MFM0015I:  ******* Partner LU Status
MFM0015I:  LU Name..........LUDB27R
MFM0015I:     Mod Entry........IBMRDB
MFM0015I:     Status...........Active
MFM0015I:  LU Name..........MFA62ACB
MFM0015I:     Mod Entry........#INTER
MFM0015I:     Status...........Active
MFM0015I:  ******* Conversation Status
MFM0015I:  Conversation ID..1AA14028
MFM0015I:     Conv Address.....1AC79968
MFM0015I:     Alloc Address....1A928DC0
MFM0015I:     Task Address.....1AA4CE28
MFM0015I:     Conv Status......Active
MFM0015I:     TCP/IP Status....Send
MFM0015I:     User Id..........CSIRLW1
MFM0015I:     Target LU........LUDB27R
MFM0015I:     Peer IP address..
MFM0015I:     Socket Number....9
MFM0015I:     Start Time.......07/17/03 15:10:32
MFM0015I:     LUW Id...........DDINE.MFM62ACB.B9BBC4F618400001
MFM0015I:     Packets Sent.....14


Displays detailed information about every active conversation between Mainframe Access and the target servers. On a busy system this display can be very long and we recommend that you use the Web Administration interface for this function; see the section Conversation Status Page in the chapter Administration Using the Web Interface.

Here is an example of a DISPLAY CONVERSATION command and the resulting display:

MFM0015I:  ***************************************************
MFM0015I:  *               Conversation Status               *
MFM0015I:  ***************************************************
MFM0015I:  ******* Conversation Status
MFM0015I:  Conversation ID..1AA14028
MFM0015I:     Conv Address.....1AC79968
MFM0015I:     Alloc Address....1A928DC0
MFM0015I:     Task Address.....1AA4CE28
MFM0015I:     Conv Status......Active
MFM0015I:     TCP/IP Status....Send
MFM0015I:     User Id..........CSIRLW1
MFM0015I:     Target LU........LUDB27R
MFM0015I:     Peer IP address..
MFM0015I:     Socket Number....9
MFM0015I:     Start Time.......07/17/03 15:10:32
MFM0015I:     LUW Id...........DDINE.MFM62ACB.B9BBC4F618400001
MFM0015I:     Packets Sent.....14
MFM0015I:     Packets Rcv'd....27
MFM0015I:  Conversation ID..1ABFF2E0
MFM0015I:     Conv Address.....1ACD0968
MFM0015I:     Alloc Address....1A928BA0
MFM0015I:     Task Address.....1AA4CA78
MFM0015I:     Conv Status......Active
MFM0015I:     TCP/IP Status....Send
MFM0015I:     User Id..........CSIRLW1
MFM0015I:     Target LU........MFA62ACB
MFM0015I:     Peer IP address..
MFM0015I:     Socket Number....13
MFM0015I:     Start Time.......07/17/03 15:11:40
MFM0015I:     LUW Id...........DDINET1.MFM62ACB.B9BBC538B9410001
MFM0015I:     Packets Sent.....4


Cancels a specific conversation. Theid parameter is a conversation identifier of eight hexadecimal characters as shown in the information displayed by DISPLAY CONVERSATION and DISPLAY TCPSTATUS commands. Canceling a conversation ends the LU6.2 conversation to the target server and releases the LU6.2 session for use by other conversations. It also disconnects the client by closing the client socket associated with the conversation and cancels the DDF thread if the conversation partner is DB2.

Here is an example of the CANCEL CONVERSATION command that cancels the second conversation shown in the DISPLAY CONVERSATION example:

MFM0015I: Cancel Command accepted


Flushes trace data and operational messages to the //XDBOUT DD SYSOUT data set. Operational data is written to XDBOUT during normal operation; trace data is written to XDBOUT only when tracing is switched on and the trace destination is SYSPRINT. The FLUSH command causes any partially filled buffer to be written to the SYSOUT data set, making the output available for browsing. This can be helpful when you are testing and trying to view trace data interactively as the test progresses.

Here is an example of a FLUSH XDBOUT command and the response:

MFM0015I: Flush XDBOUT completed


Changes the TIME OUT FOR CONNECTION parameter value without you having to stop and restart Mainframe Access. The n parameter is the number of minutes that a client connection can remain idle before the connection will be broken and Mainframe Access resources dedicated to the client will be released. Resources that are released when an idle client is disconnected include allocated storage, TCP/IP resources and LU6.2 conversations to target servers such as DB2, IMS, CICS and Mainframe Access Data Connect. Specify 0 (zero) to disable the client timeout feature and allow unlimited idle time.

If you use the RESET TIMEOUT command to establish a new timeout value, rather than SET TIMEOUT, both the Mainframe Access timeout and any Mainframe Access client timeout remain in effect. The connection partner (Mainframe Access client or Mainframe Access) having the smaller timeout value initiates the disconnection first.

Here is an example of a RESET TIMEOUT command and the response:

MFM0015I: Timeout parameter reset to 30


Changes the TIME OUT FOR CONNECTION parameter value without you having to stop and restart Mainframe Access. The n parameter is the number of minutes that a client connection can remain idle after which the connection will be broken and Mainframe Access resources dedicated to the client will be released. Resources that are released when an idle client is disconnected include allocated storage, TCP/IP resources and LU6.2 conversations to target servers such as DB2, IMS, CICS and Mainframe Access Data Connect. Specify 0 (zero) to disable the client timeout feature and allow unlimited idle time.

If you use the SET TIMEOUT command to establish a new timeout value, rather than RESET TIMEOUT, then when a Mainframe Access client subsequently starts up, Mainframe Access' connection timeout is disabled, and only the inactivity timeout period specified by the Mainframe Access client is in effect.

Here is an example of a SET TIMEOUT command and the response:

MFM0015I: Timeout parameter set to 20

Using a Telnet Client

This section describes how to connect to Mainframe Access using a Telnet client, enter commands and disconnect.

Connecting to Mainframe Access using a Telnet Client

To connect to Mainframe Access using Telnet, follow these steps:

  1. Start your Telnet client software.
  2. Click Remote System on the Connect menu.
  3. In the Connect dialog box, fill in the fields as follows:
    Host Name TCP/IP host name of your z/OS system
    Port The value in the Mainframe Access start-up parameter TCP_PORT
    TermType A suitable terminal type emulation for your connection, such as VT100
  4. Click Connect.

An example is shown in Figure 3-1.

Telnet Connect Dialog Box

Figure 3-1: Telnet Connect Dialog Box

After the connection is established, press Enter twice. This is essential to enable Mainframe Access to recognize the Telnet client, since Mainframe Access uses the same port for several different types of client connection. When Mainframe Access recognizes the Telnet client it sends out an initial prompting message and is ready to receive commands.

Entering Commands from a Telnet Client

You can enter any console command except Start and Stop by prefixing the command string with a single dollar sign ($). Mainframe Access responds by displaying the command output data followed by the prompting message to indicate readiness for another command. Figure 3-2 shows the command input line $display tcpstatus and the resulting command output data.

Entering a Command

Figure 3-2: Entering a Command

Disconnecting from a Telnet Client

To disconnect from a Telnet client, either:

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