Chapter 5: Mainframe Tier

This chapter describes any installation or configuration needed at the mainframe to support the deployment of eBiz or Data Access Transaction mainframe components in a CICS region.

Note: For information on IMS, see the chapter IMS Support in your User's Guide and the appendiz Deploying IMS eBiz Transactions in your Deployment Guide.


The environment required to support the deployment of eBiz or Data Access Transaction mainframe components consists of:

SOA Express Server

The SOA Express Server consists of:

The SOA Express Server also includes the support modules listed in Table 5-1.

Module Description
MER0ADSX Works in conjunction with the Micro Focus 3270 Bridge Exit to run transactions under the IBM 3270 Bridge.
MER0CONV A dynamically called subroutine to convert from/to client platform data representation.
MER0MERA This module works in conjunction with the Micro Focus 3270 Bridge Exit to run transactions under the IBM 3270 bridge.
MER0LINKThis module works in conjunction with the Micro Focus 3270 Bridge Exit to run transactions under the IBM Link3270 bridge.
MER0MERB This module provides the bridge component with a means of conversing with transactions on remote systems.
MER0MERD Responsible for export of Trace queue and Restart/Recovery queue.
MER0MERE Responsible for import of Trace queue and Restart/Recovery queue.
MER0MERF Responsible for Trace queue housekeeping.
MER0MERH Menu module.
MER0MERL Responsible for loading mapsets from remote systems.
MER0MERQ Provides formatted display of the trace information produced by the Middleware Interface, eBiz Transaction and Bridge Exit.
MER0MERT This transaction simulates CICS Terminal Control for the terminal that is its primary facility and drives transactions via the Bridge Facility. It serves as a development test harness and will also potentially provide trace data to the eBiz Transaction build process. It is a specialized eBiz Transaction that has a real 3270 user interface.
Table 5-1: SOA Express Server Support Modules

Setting up the Mainframe Environment

To set up the mainframe environment you must:

  1. Check the software prerequisites
  2. Install Mainframe Access
  3. Install the SOA Express Server
  4. Install WebSphere MQ or CICS Transaction Gateway. You can install the latter anywhere, not necessarily the mainframe.
  5. Set up eBiz Transaction Restart and Recovery

Checking the Prerequisites

Software Requirements

Ensure the following are in place before continuing. For supported versions, see the chapter Third Party Software in your Readme:

Installing Mainframe Access

Mainframe Access has a client component and three individually-installable server (mainframe) components, namely the Mainframe Access Standard, CICS and Endevor Servers. A Mainframe Access client is installed automatically with SOA Express. The Mainframe Access servers are included on the Host Connectivity CD supplied with Mainframe Express Enterprise Edition (for detailed installation instructions, refer to your Mainframe Access Installation and Usage Guide).

The Setup program prompts you to specify details about your mainframe. For an initial installation of Mainframe Access, the program generates a set of tailored JCL files and installation notes (text files). However, once the Mainframe Access Standard Server has been set up, the program can call upon Mainframe Access itself to upload and install additional or updated servers to the mainframe.

Installing SOA Express Server

When you install Mainframe Express Enterprise Server, the SOA Express Server installation files are installed in the mfe-install-dir\SOA Express\mainframe folder. This folder contains two sets of installation files - one set for IBM’s original IBM 3270 bridge and one set for the Link3270 bridge. JCL and PROC files are also provided; these files are common to both the original 3270 bridge and Link3270 bridge. Table 5-2 shows a list of the files provided.

File Description
emrglseq.bin A binary image containing executable files for the 3270 bridge
emrgdseq.bin A binary image containing data files for the 3270 bridge
cg_link3270_loadlib.binA binary image containing executable files for the Link3270 bridge
cg_link3270_data.binA binary image containing data files for the Link3270 bridge
proc.txt A proc file that installs the SOA Express Server modules
jcl.txt A text file containing JCL used to invoke the proc file
Table 5-2: SOA Express Server Mainframe Files

The proc.txt and jcl.txt files referenced above are used to install both the 3270 and Link3270 bridge runtime modules.

Note: If you are upgrading to SOA Express from Component Generator, you must replace your current Component Generator Server modules on the mainframe with the modules supplied with SOA Express.

To install or update the Server modules:

  1. Pre-allocate the following TSO/mainframe datasets substituting a high level dataset name qualifier appropriate to your own site for Use the same qualifier for both datasets. These datasets will be used to store the files that you upload from the SOA Express CD.
    A sequential fixed block file
    organization  PS
    record format FB
    record length 80
    block size    3120
    A sequential fixed block file
    organization  PS
    record format FB
    record length 80
    block size    6160
  2. Depending on which 3270 bridge software you are using, transfer the appropriate set of two binary images from the mfe-install-dir\SOA Express\mainframe folder to the TSO/mainframe datasets you have just created. These files must be transferred to the mainframe in binary mode (no ASCII to EBCDIC conversion). These examples show the appropriate ftp commands, you can transfer the files using ftp, IND$FILE or any other file transfer tool that you have.
  3. Transfer the two text files from the SOA Express CD to any suitable PDS, substituting the name of the PDS for your.pds. These files must be transferred to the mainframe in ASCII mode. Although this example shows the appropriate ftp commands, you can transfer the files using ftp, IND$FILE or any other file transfer tool that you have:
    put jcl.txt your.pds(MERJCL)
    put proc.txt your.pds(CUSINST)
  4. Customize the installation JCL by editing the MERJCL member:
    //MFICPI JOB (9999,9999),'DEFINE ',
    //   MSGLEVEL=(1,1)
    //MLIB  JCLLIB ORDER=your.pds
    //       PREFIX='',
    //       CICS='your.cics.LOADLIB',
    //       CSD='CICSTS13.DFHCSD5',
    //STEP50.SYSIN DD *
    1. Tailor the job card as needed.
    2. On the //MLIB line, specify the name of the PDS where the MERJCL and CUSINST members reside.
    3. Set the PREFIX variable to the high level qualifier that you used for the DATA.X and LOADLIB.X datasets.
    4. Set the CICS variable to the loadlib dataset for your CICS region.
    5. Set the CSD variable to the CSD dataset for your CICS region. (Note that you must have update authority to the CSD in order to run this job.)
    6. Set the CSDUPLIB variable to your DFHCSDUP library.
    7. Change the dataset in the RECEIVE DSN parameter to where is the high level qualifier specified in the PREFIX variable.
  5. Run MERJCL to:
  6. Once the job completes, newcopy all of the MER0* programs.
  7. Customize CICS definitions to suit your environment. If you use a TCTUA, ensure that the MER2, MER3, MER4 and MER5 terminals that were installed as part of the above process are associated with a TYPETERM that contains a USERAREALEN value matching the size of the TCTUA. Not doing this can cause abends when user applications are run under the IBM 3270 Bridge.

Installing WebSphere MQ

If you are using WebSphere MQ, you must install the following items of WebSphere MQ middleware at the mainframe:

For installation and customization instructions, refer to your IBM WebSphere MQ for z/OS Program Directory and IBM WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Management Guide.

After installing WebSphere MQ, define WebSphere MQ objects as described in the chapter WebSphere MQ Middleware.

Setting up eBiz Transaction Restart and Recovery

To set up the Restart and Recovery feature for your eBiz Transaction(s):

  1. Allocate a file for the MERJ extrapartition transient data queue with the following properties:

  2. Add a MER0MERJ DD statement for the file that you allocated in step 1 to your CICS startup job. For example:


    (In this example the file is called MFHOST.CMPGEN.MERJ but you can use any name that you like.)

  3. Add a pre-initialization PLT statement for MER0XPLT (prior to the PLT statement for DFHDELIM):


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