OBM 2020.10 IP1 specific important hotfixes can be downloaded from here. Please refer to the Hotfixes section in https://docs.microfocus.com/itom/Operations_Bridge_Manager:2020.10/KnownIssues202010IP1 to get more details on the issues and hotfix publish dates. While installing multiple hotfixes, install the hotfixes in the order of oldest to newest based on the 'Publish Date'
Suggested for you are based on app category, product compatibility, popularity, rating and newness. Some apps may not show based on entitlements. Learn more about entitlements.
This consolidated Hotfix includes all the Hotfixes released for 2020.10 IP1 as of 27-Mar-2024
The naming convention of the consolidated Hotfix has been changed to new format - “OBM<Release>HF<YYYYMMDD><Time>”. The date and time are based on common standard format like ISO8601
Refer to the Readme for instructions to apply the Consolidated Hotfix and to get the list of defects fixed. Note that Readme is provided in both pdf & .txt formats. Content of both the Readme files are the same
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