This Learning Series follows the story of you, first as the security Administrator and then the Security Auditor.
Management has decided to purchase Fortify SAST products to deal with explosive application security risks. This is a big project and you are the security champion!
In this foundations course, you will focus on setup and configuring Fortify SCA with the Fortify SSC (Software Security Center). Plus, you will produce security scans using Fortify Command-Line, Audit Workbench, Scan Wizard, and IDEs (e.g. Visual Studio, Eclipse, and Intellij). Finally, you will review your scan results.
This Learning Series follows the story of you, first as the security Administrator and then the Security Auditor.
Management has decided to purchase Fortify SAST products to deal with explosive application security risks. This is a big project and you are the security champion!
In this foundations course, you will focus on setup and configuring Fortify SCA with the Fortify SSC (Software Security Center). Plus, you will produce security scans using Fortify Command-Line, Audit Workbench, Scan Wizard, and IDEs (e.g. Visual Studio, Eclipse, and Intellij). Finally, you will review your scan results.
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