Visual COBOL is a critical development skill - and it's highly sought after!
A mixed language skillset will
keep you on top of your game
Visual COBOL lifts COBOL
development productivity up by 30%
Bring COBOL apps to the web, mobile and cloud
Makes COBOL easier to learn than ever before
Use Visual Studio or
Eclipse to develop COBOL apps alongside C/C++,
.NET or Java
Developers work in the same ways
To satisfy demand for COBOL skills, we need to attract new talent
46% believe COBOL is easier to learn that Java and C++
21% say learning COBOL is a future-proofed career option
90% of Fortune 500 businesses use COBOL
$2 trillion worth of COBOL applications in global organizations
So organizations need to protect and build on their existing COBOL apps
2 million developers – and rising - work in COBOL
70% of all business transaction systems are powered by COBOL
65% of all active code in the world is COBOL in ATMs, air travel, courier services, banking and more
There’s far more business value in cobol than you think
200 times more COBOL transactions per day than Google + YouTube searches
There are new ways to raise COBOL developer
productivity and improve skills. Scroll upwards to explore the facts – and take our COBOL developer to new heights.
Sources include:
Aberdeen Group
Giga Information Group
Database & Network Journal
The COBOL Report
Tactical Strategy Group
The Future of COBOL Report