OpenText IDOL is an advanced search, knowledge discovery, and analytics platform. It uses AI to leverage text, audio, video, and image analytics. Discover how our partners leverage IDOL AI to improve their platforms and services for their customers.
ST-Four specialise in IT Consultancy, Services, Support, & Managed Service: Strong partnerships are the basis of any good business and at ST-FOUR we pride ourselves on our trusted adviser status amongst our clients. For many of our clients, we are an extension of their IT Team providing the following services
OpenText: ST-FOUR are a dedicated OpenText partner providing many specialist services using OpenText products, we are proud to be part of their At Your Service Asset so we can share how you can make the most from your current IT investment to improve your IT Systems and keep them up to date and protected.
Adamant is a company focusing on IDOL technology in Taiwan with rich experiences for customers across many industries.
Boxxe are a leading provider of hardware, software, and managed IT services to the public and corporate sectors, with a passion for sustainability. We’re using OpenText IDOL technology to improve user experience and data security within our service.
Boxxe create flexible IT solutions, all underpinned by world leading security and data management. Helping people, systems, and technology function efficiently and productively.