FILE_CASE configuration variable

Using this variable, set the case of the indexed file filenames in your destination directory. On UNIX/Linux using the default setting enables you to access files regardless of whether they are named in uppercase or lowercase letters. You may need to use this variable to indicate the correct case.

If you set FILE_CASE to Upper, you can access only files that are named in uppercase letters. In the reverse, if you set FILE_CASE to Lower, you can access only files that are named in lowercase letters.


The following table shows the files you would find depending on the FILE_CASE:

  FILEA FileA filea
Upper x    
Lower     x
Default x x x

The name of the file is stored in the system catalog at the time it is loaded using either xdbcutil or addfile. On UNIX/Linux this will be equivalent to the file name being loaded in lower case. Should you wish to access a file in mixed case, you will need to load the origional filename in the appropriate case. You can do this with the xdbcutil program.

For a UNIX/Linux example if you wish to load an .xfd file titled myxfd that will result in an SQL table named “newtable” and reference a COBOL data file named MyDaTaFile, you would use this command:

xdbcutil -a myxfd#newtable#MyDaTaFile


On UNIX/Linux Micro Focus XDBC would then leave the case of the filename unchanged when it attempts to open the file.