Starting the UNIX Server

  1. To start the server, you have two options on UNIX: you can use a batch file or start the server daemon directly.
    • Run the script: -start

    • Start the server directly:

      xdbcsrvr -z

    Or, to start the server on an alternate port, these same commands can be used but with the following additional information:
    • -start -n 20222
    • xdbcsrvr -z -p20222
  2. To test that the server is running for Micro Focus Server, use one of the following commands:
    • -info
    • xdbcping -z
  3. To test that the server is running on an alternate port, use one of the following commands:
    • -info -n 20222
    • xdbcping -z -p20222
Here is a sample output for UNIX:
Pinging 'localhost'.

vtxnetd is alive and kicking (1st attempt).

Host process ID       : 10055
Requires byte flipping: No
Character set - Client: ASCII
                Host  : ASCII

The UNIX executables are:

xdbcping -z -p20222 MyHost

Or to test a server started on an alternate port:

xdbcping -z -p20999 MyHost

where the number following the -p is the port number you started the server on, and MyHost is the host name or IP address of the local machine.