Takes you through the process of preparing your Visual Studio project such that you can debug your stored procedure in a development
environment both locally and remotely.
Open the SQLServerSP solution
- From the Visual Studio main menu, click
File > Recent Projects and Solutions, and then select the
SQLServerSP solution.
Add the SQLServerSPCall project to the SQLServerSP solution
- From the
Solution Explorer, right-click the
SQLServerSP solution and select
Add > Existing Project.
- Browse to the folder containing the
SQLServerSPCall project.
- Select the
SQLServerSPCall.cblproj file; then click
Visual Studio adds the
SQLServerSPCall project to the
SQLServerSP solution.
Set Properties for the SQLServerSPCall Project
- From the
Solution Explorer, open the
Properties window for the
SQLServerSPCall project.
- On the
Debug tab, check
Enable SQL Server debugging, located in the
Debug Options group.
- Click
; then close the
Properties window.