cob Flags
The following flags can be used with the
Pass Option to Assembler (-A as_option)
Compile for Animation (-a)
Pass Syntax-check Phase Directive to the Compiler (-C directive)
Pass Option to the C Compiler (-CC cc_option)
Pass Option to the C++ Compiler (+CC cc_option)
Compile No Further Than Linkable Object Module (-c)
Dynamically Load Symbol (-d symb)
Set Initial Entry Point (-e epsym)
Create Information for Symbolic Debugger (-g)
Include Symbol in Executable File (-I symb)
Compile to Intermediate Code for Unlinked Environment (-i)
Compile to JVM Bytecode (-j)
Recognize COBOL Source File with Non-standard Filename Extensions (-k cobol-file)
Pass Option to System Linker Changing Search Algorithm and Maintaining Relative Ordering (-L dir)
Pass Option to System Linker After All Other Options Changing the Search Algorithm (+L dir)
Pass Option to System Linker Maintaining Relative Ordering (-l lib)
Pass Option to System Linker After All Other Options (+l lib)
Map Symbol to New Symbol (-m symb=newsym)
Pass Generate Phase Directive (-N directive)
Enable Optimization (-O)
Specify Output File-name (-o filename)
Produce Listing File (-P)
Pass Flag to C Compiler to Use Profiling Routines (-p)
Pass Option to System Linker (-Q ld_option or -Q,1 ld_option or -Q,2ld_option)
Create Multi-threading Program (-t)
Dynamically Load Unresolved Reference (-U)
Compile to Generated Code for Unlinked Environment (-u)
Report Version Number (-V)
Set Verbose Module (-v)
Control Error Level for cob Termination (-W err-level)
Exclude Symbol from the Executable Output File (-X symb)
Process to System Executable File (-x[,CC|,PLI])
Produce a Shared Library for non-COBOL Applications (-Y[,CC])
Produce a Self-Contained Callable Shared Object for non-COBOL Applications (-y[,U][,CC|,PLI])
Produce a Shared Library File for COBOL Applications (-Z[,CC|,PLI])
Produce a Callable Shared Object for COBOL Applications (-z[,U][,CC|,PLI])
Flags Reserved for Future Use
Parent topic:
Compiling and Linking from the Command Line