CANCELLBR Makes the Compiler close an .lbr file used as a library in a COPY statement once that copy operation is complete.
CONVSPACE Converts double-byte space characters in COBOL source files to single-byte spaces on input.
COPYEXT Specifies the filename extension of the copybook that the Compiler is to look for if a filename in a COPY statement is specified
without an extension.
COPYLBR Makes the Compiler treat the library specified in a COPY statement as an .lbr file.
COPYPATH Specifies a list of directories for the Compiler to search for copy files.
DATA-CONTEXT Enables you to specify how a program's Data Division is to be maintained between CICS link levels.
EOF-1A Treats a 0x1a character in the source file as the end of file.
GNTLITLINKSTD In an Intel x86 32-bit environment, a CALL statement from a .gnt file that has both call-convention 2 and call-convention 8 in effect, suppresses call-convention 8 by default. Set this directive
to prevent the suppression.
IGNOREEXEC Specifies that procedural EXEC statements are to be treated as documentary only.
INT Specifies the name of the intermediate code file.
INTLEVEL When intermediate code is being created by the Compiler, this directive controls the level of portability of the code created
to different versions of Micro Focus COBOL systems in other environments.
KEYCHECK Specifies whether the File Handler checks that all the keys belonging to the indexed file you are opening are defined in your
NULL-ESCAPE Treats a 0x00 character in the source file as an escape character for other non-printable characters in the source code.
OSEXT Tells the Compiler what extension to expect by default on the names of source files.
P64 This directive is reserved for internal use by this COBOL system. Because it might appear in the list of settings, it is included
for completeness. It is not intended for your use, and its setting should not be changed.
PREPROCESS, P Makes the Compiler take the source program from a preprocessor instead of a source file.
PROGID-INT-NAME Causes the name of the intermediate code file to be taken from the PROGRAM-ID clause, rather than the name of the source file.
RDFPATH Specifies a location for a repository file.
REPOSITORY Creates a repository file or requests that the program being compiled is checked against the repository file.
SOURCETABSTOP Sets the tab stop boundary in effect. When the Tab key is pressed, the cursor advances n spaces to position itself on the next specified tab position.
UNICODE Specifies the encoding to be used for Unicode characters.