This release works concurrently with the previous version of Visual COBOL Development Hub, so you do not need to uninstall it.
Install the latest version in a different location and set the environment to point to it. To do this, run the Visual COBOL Development Hub installer with the –installlocation option:
./InstallFile -installlocation="/opt/microfocus/VisualCOBOL"
. <product-install-dir>/bin/cobsetenv
The following information applies when you are upgrading from releases 6.0 or 7.0.
If you install this release to the same install location as release 6.0 or 7.0, the product in the current location is moved to a backup directory name.
For example, if the 7.0 product is installed in the default install location, /opt/microfocus/VisualCOBOL, during the upgrade it is moved to /opt/microfocus/VisualCOBOL.BKP.YYYY-MM-DD.HH:MM:SS. The new release will be installed in /opt/microfocus/VisualCOBOL.
Note that your original installation might include some files that you changed or added to, and you need those changes preserved in the new installation.
During the upgrade, the installer moves a number of changed files to a different configuration location and symbolically links them back into the new release install location. The configuration location is one of the following:
The setup file creates a directory in the configuration location using the sum of the value of the $COBDIR path. This is so that each configuration area is unique to each product installation. The configuration files and directories are then placed in this COBDIR hash-numbered directory. In the examples below, the install location generates a hash of 12345.
The file /opt/microfocus/config/12345/COBDIRlocation.txt details the COBDIR the configuration area is associated with.
Currently, the setup file only moves the following files and directories:
Source | Destination |
secrets | /opt/microfocus/config/12345/secrets/ |
commonwebadmin.json | /opt/microfocus/config/12345/escwa/commonwebadmin.json |
mfdsacfg.xml | /opt/microfocus/config/12345/mfds/mfdsacfg.xml |
mfds | /opt/microfocus/config/12345/mfds/mfds/ |
If you have changed any other files in the original installation, you need to be copy these manually from the backup directory, /opt/microfocus/VisualCOBOL.BKP.YYYY-MM-DD.HH:MM:SS, into the install location after the upgrade installation is complete.