Important: Any machine on which a COBOL stored procedure is executed must have a
Micro Focus
Enterprise Server or COBOL Server product installed and licensed. Contact
Customer Care for more information.
Set up the initial environment
Configuring the Environment for Developing RDBMS Applications on UNIX.
In addition, see the IBM documentation for Building
Micro Focus COBOL Routines.
Prepare and execute stored procedures
- Code and prepare a stored procedure. See
Writing and Preparing Stored Procedures for instructions.
- Code and prepare an application that calls the stored procedure. An SQL statement, CALL, in that application must use the
same parameter list and linkage convention as the stored procedure that it invokes. See
Writing and Preparing Applications to Use Stored Procedures for instructions.
- Define your stored procedure to the DB2 LUW Server by issuing a CREATE PROCEDURE command, which will place a row in the appropriate
system table(s). See
Defining Stored Procedures under DB2 LUW for additional details.
- Compile and link your stored procedure. See
Compiling and Linking Stored Procedures under DB2 LUW for additional details.
- Debug and test your stored procedure. See
Debugging Stored Procedures under DB2 LUW for additional details.