

Execute one or more .mfu files, which can contain one or more test cases.


Attribute Description Required
dir Override the name of the directory for test run - default is preferred-cwd in .mfu file. No; default is from .mfu file
errorproperty The name of the property to contain the total number of tests that have failed. No
failureproperty The name of the property to contain the total number of tests that have failed. No
fixture The name of the fixture file. Yes (if <fileset> is not used)
haltonfailure Stop the build process if a test fails. No; default is off
ignoreoptionsinmfu If set to true the command line options in the [global] section are not processed. No
junitreportpackage Override the name of package for the junit results file. No
junitresults If set to true, overrides the value set in the .mfu file and generates junit results file. No; default taken from .mfu file
osfamily If set, task is restricted for use on a specific OS (see ant Exec task for details on valid values). No
outputdir If set, its value overrides the output directory specified in the .mfu file. No
passedproperty Name of the property to contain the number of tests passed. No
printsummary Prints a summary of the test run. No; default is off
runproperty Name of the property to contain the number of tests runs. No
showprogress If set, the test case name is shown before execution and the result as processed. No; default is yes
timeout Override the timeout for all tests. No; default taken from .mfu file
totaltimeproperty The name of the property to contain the total time taken to execute the test(s). No

Parameters specified as nested elements

Extra command line arguments should be specified as nested <arg> elements. For example:
<arg value="-debugbreak" />
It is possible to specify environment variables to pass to the test runner via nested <env> elements. For example:
<env key="MYVAR" value="MYVALUE"/>


Execute all test cases in ${src}:

<taskdef name="mfurun" classname="com.microfocus.mfunit.ant.MFURunMFUTask" />
    <mfurun dir="${src}"
         <fileset dir="${src}" includes="*.mfu" />