COBCH1481 - COBCH1500
Lists the Syntax Checking error messages from COBCH1481 through COBCH1500.
COBCH1481 Boundary violation_ Processed as maximum value (%1_s)
A boundary violation has occurred because reference modification has referred to data beyond the boundaries of the base data item.
COBCH1482 Interface interface-name inherits from itself (directly or indirectly).
An interface is attempting to inherit from itself either directly or via another interface.
COBCH1483 END METHOD for method method-name missing.
The method identified in the message was not terminated with an END METHOD before the end of source was met.
COBCH1484 An indexer cannot be STATIC
The program contains an indexer defined as a STATIC member. This is not allowed.
COBCH1485 Field field-name can only be modified inside class constructor
The program contains a static field defined with the INITIALIZE ONLY phrase, and that is modified outside of a class constructor (new static) method. This is not allowed.
COBCH1486 Field field-name can only be modified inside constructor
The program contains an instance field defined with the INITIALIZE ONLY phrase, and that is modified outside of a constructor (new) method.
COBCH1487 STATIC class can only include static data and methods
The program contains a STATIC class that includes instance fields or instance methods. This is not allowed.
COBCH1488 This phrase may only be specified for managed fields
The program contains a phrase that can only be specified for static or instance fields in a class program.
COBCH1489 Extension methods may only be defined in non-generic static classes
The program contains an extension method that can only be defined in a static class that does not have generic parameters.
COBCH1490 Cannot redefine equality and inequality operators for string type
The program specifies an extension operator for an = operator on a string or <> operators on a string. This is not allowed because these operators are
already present in the .NET framework
COBCH1491 Cannot redefine operators for primitive types
The program redefines an extension operator for a primitive type such as binary-long (32 bit integer). This is not allowed.
COBCH1492 Ambiguous type name '%1_s, could refer to either '%2_s' or '%3_s'
An ambiguous reference has been made to a type name that is found in two or more namespaces referenced in ILUSING directives.
COBCH1494 Method method-name cannot OVERRIDE an inherited method with different return type.
The program contains a method that overrides another method in an inherited class, but has a different return type than the inherited method. This is not allowed.
COBCH1495 Class member '%1$s' cannot OVERRIDE parent member of different kind.
COBCH1496 Extended ACCEPT DISPLAY not available with ilclr(2).
The program uses the extended accept/display functionality (‘adis’), and targets .NET framework 2 by using the ILCLR(2) directive. This is not allowed.
COBCH1498 Preprocessor file logic error
A preprocessor has passed an incorrect or unexpected sequence of response codes.
COBCH1500 Memory allocation failure - module_ '%1_s'
Parent topic:
Messages COBCH1401 to COBCH1500