Unlike for other types of service interfaces, operations for JSON RESTful interfaces can be generated automatically by the Interface Mapper. In this section, you use the Interface Mapper to generate three operations based on the COBOL definitions found in CarProgram.cbl.
The name of each entry point contained in the program appears farther down on the dialog box.
The entry point code appears to its right.
This enables the API Resources tab, where you can select further options.
In this tutorial, you want to generate three operations - one to retrieve a list of all cars in the collection, one to add a new car to the collection, and one to add a feature to a car already in the collection.
This leaves a POST and GET operation for the first resource, and a POST operation for the third resource.
This now shows three operations, one for each HTTP method that was checked on the API Resources tab: GetCars, AddCar, and AddCarFeature.
Notice also that for each operation, its defined HTTP Method/Path specification appears on the banner to its right. When accessing the Web service, Enterprise Server uses the path specification to determine which operation to launch.