To Deploy to WebLogic

Restriction: This topic applies only when the Enterprise Server feature is enabled.

This topic describes how to deploy an application developed using the Interface Mapping Toolkit to WebLogic Application Server.

  1. If you have not set up a WebLogic server domain, set one up using the WebLogic Domain Configuration Wizard, following the instructions in the wizard. You can start the wizard from the Start menu.
  2. If your COBOL system (either Visual COBOLor COBOL Server) is installed in a location that uses a spacey path, you need to copy the following files to a non-spacey location:
    Located in the %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Visual COBOL\bin and \bin64 (Windows) or $COBDIR/lib (UNIX) directory by default.
    Located in the subdirectory of %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Visual COBOL\javaee\javaee7\appsrv (Windows) or $COBDIR/javaee/javaee7/appsrv (UNIX) directory, where appsrv represents a subdirectory named for your Java application server and, in some cases, the version as well. For a list of supported application servers, see the Java Application Servers section of the Supported Operating Systems and Third-party Software topic. that corresponds to your application server. For example, the mfconnector.jar file for WebLogic is located in a subdirectory named oracleweblogic1221.
  3. Open the startup script for your project in a text editor. This startup script is StartWebLogic.cmd (Windows) or (UNIX), and is located in your domain's bin directory of your WebLogic installation.
  4. Go to the end of the file.
  5. Depending on your platform, add the appropriate code as follows:Above the line @REM START WEBLOGIC that starts the WebLogic server, add the following lines: Above the line # START WEBLOGIC that starts the WebLogic server, add the following lines:

    Windows platforms - Above the line @REM START WEBLOGIC that starts the WebLogic server, add the following lines:

    set java_home=jdk_path
    set mf_home=mfcobolpure_path
    set classpath=%java_home%\lib\tools.jar;

    UNIX platforms - Above the line # START WEBLOGIC that starts the WebLogic server, add the following lines:

    export JAVA_HOME
    export MF_HOME
    export CLASSPATH


    • jdk_path is the location of the JDK installation to use for WebLogic.
    • mfcobolpure_path is the path containing mfcobolpure.jar.
    • mfconnector_path is the path containing the required mfconnector.jar. If you have copied this jar into the same directory as mfcobolpure.jar, you don't need to specify this path.
  6. Save the file.
  7. You can now run the startup script.

To enable tracing

To enable tracing (optional), edit the ra.xml that corresponds to your Java EE and WebLogic versions. The ra.xml file is included in the mfcobol*.rar archive file, located by default in the %ProgramFiles%\Micro Focus\Visual COBOL\javaee\javaee7\oracleweblogic1221 (Windows) or /opt/microfocus/VisualCOBOL/javaee/javaee7/oracleweblogic1221 (UNIX).

Change the property value for the Trace property from false to true. Specifically, change:




To start WebLogic

For Windows environments:

  1. Set up a WebLogic server domain and edit the startup script, if you have not already done so.
  2. Go to the Start menu for WebLogic and choose the domain and server that you specified in your startup script. This Start menu item runs the startup script.

    You cannot start WebLogic using Services in Windows Control Panel and you cannot configure it in Control Panel to start automatically when you reboot the machine.

For UNIX environments:

  1. Set up a WebLogic server domain and edit the startup script, if you have not already done so.
  2. Change directory to your WebLogic server domain directory.
  3. As root user, run the startup script by typing:

To start WebLogic server console:

  1. Start WebLogic.
  2. Open a browser.
  3. Enter the URL, http://localhost:7001/console where 7001 is the default port for the server console.

To deploy a resource adapter to WebLogic

  1. Start WebLogic server and the WebLogic Server Console.
  2. In the left pane of WebLogic Server Console, expand your-domain >Deployments>Connectors
  3. Click Configure a new Connector Component and follow the steps on the page. When you are asked to upload the resource adapter file, upload the required mfcobol*.rar file.

    You do not need to create a connection factory or specify the JNDI name of the resource adapter because these are already specified in the deployment descriptor for the connection factory, weblogic-ra.xml

  4. Confirm that the resource adapter has been successfully deployed, by examining the Deployment Activity table on the page on the right. The resource adapter should also be listed in the hierarchy on the left.
Note: To deploy the local transaction connector (mfcobol-localtx.rar), first deploy the XA transaction connector (mfcobol-xa.rar) and then undeploy it. You will then be able to install the local transaction connector.

To deploy an EJB to WebLogic

  1. If you don't have a .ear file containing your EJB, package the EJB into an.ear file now. You will have an .ear file if you generated a client and EJB together, and it will be in myProject\repos\myservice.deploy (Windows) or myProject/repos/myservice.deploy (UNIX)
  2. Start WebLogic server and the WebLogic Server Console.
  3. Deploy the .ear file as follows:
    1. In the left pane expand mydomain >Control> myserver
    2. Click Configure a new Application on the right, and follow the steps on the page.
    3. Confirm that the application has been successfully deployed, by examining the Deployment Activity table on the page on the right. The application should also be listed in the hierarchy on the left

To stop WebLogic

  1. Start the WebLogic server console, if it is not already started.
  2. Navigate to your server in the left-hand pane. This will probably mean expanding: mydomain >Control> myserver
  3. Right-click your server.
  4. Click Start/Stop server and follow the instructions.

TheWebLogic Server Console will not be available until you restart the server.