You can pass properties of more than one element to an OS command tool using mass processing.
As soon as an OSCommand tool descriptor is used within a mass processing action descriptor, a parameter file is generated by the Workflow Manager and added to the OS command. The file is created in the Eclipse workspace, and will contain values of all modeled input parameters of the type MassProcessing. Each selected element is represented by a single line in the file. The fully qualified file name is added as the last OS command argument in double quotes.
The following pattern is used to create the parameter file:
INPARM0001: <element 1 parm 1><separator>(…)<element 1 parmn> INPARM0002: <element 1 parm 1><separator>(…)<element 2parmn> (…) INPARMnnnn: <element nparm 1><separator>(…)<element nparmn>
In this example, 3 elements are selected:
INPARM0001: Folder_1+_+File 1+_+TEXTFILE INPARM0002: Folder_1+_+File 2+_+TEXTFILE INPARM0003: Folder_1+_+File 3+_+TEXTFILE
The input parameter separator is “+_+”.
The "Resource Operation Values" are used for tool-defined resource operations. This tool returns a REMOVE-ELEMENT: resource operation for every deleted file.
cmd.exe /c "C:\bat files\massdelete.bat" "<workspace path><application path>\PARMLIST.txt"
A called tool will have to parse the parameter file (usually line by line) to process the selection. Tool-defined resource operations or messages can be returned to provide feedback to the user.
./ "<workspace path><application path>/PARMLIST.txt"
A called tool will have to parse the parameter file (usually line by line) to process the selection. Tool-defined resource operations or messages can be returned to provide feedback to the user.