From a shell command, run the following:
At the
Daemon port prompt, enter the port number that the daemon should listen on, or press
Enter to accept the default.
Note: The default settings for these port prompts are specified in the
rdo.cfg configuration file.
Server range is a range of port numbers that a required RDO server will be started on when the daemon receives a request.
At the
Server range low port prompt, enter the starting number of the server port range and press
Enter, or press
Enter to accept the default.
At the
Server range high port prompt, enter the ending number of the server port range and press
Enter, or press
Enter to accept the default.
The defaults are written to the
rdo.cfg configuration file.
If you are running this utility on Red Hat 7.2 (or later) or CentOS 7.2 (or later), an additional prompt is displayed; otherwise,
the utility closes.
At the
Do you want to configure the firewall prompt, press
Y and then
Enter to configure further firewall settings, or press
N and then
Enter to close the utility.
If you selected
Y, the configured firewall zones are listed.
To configure an existing zone, press the corresponding number and then
Enter, or press
Enter for the default zone (as indicated at the end of the prompt).
Note: At this point, you can also create a new zone: press
N and then
Enter, and then type the new zone name and press
Enter. The new zone is listed, and you can now select its corresponding number to configure it.
The current firewall status is displayed, where it checks if the currently specified ports are open in the firewall; if they
are not, the utility adds them to the firewall settings.
If you need to open more ports, press
Y and then
Enter, and then enter either a single port number, or a range, and then press
The additional ports are opened.
If either of the ssh and samba services are not running in the firewall zone, you are prompted to add them: press
Y and then
Enter or
N and then
Enter, as appropriate, for each service.
Note: If the service is already running, you are not prompted.
An overview of the firewall settings is displayed.
To save the changes permanently (that is, even after the firewall is restarted), press
Y and then
Enter; to save the settings for the firewall until it is next stopped,
N and then
The utility is closed.
Note: If you need to remove any ports or services you have added to the firewall, use the
firewall-cmd utility that is part of the operating system.