Get Classpath Containers


This tool returns a file descriptor pointing to a file containing all depending classpath resources of an Eclipse project.

Tool Attributes:

Attribute Type Description
Matchname String Specifies the match name to be used by the tool to identify classpath containers.

The default value is CLASSPATH_CONTAINER


Parameter Name I/O Type Description
Project ID [M] I String Specifies the resource ID of the project for which the classpath resources should be retrieved.
Classpath Containers [M] O File Specifies the file descriptor pointing to the result file containing the classpath resources.

The output file descriptor should be of type InputStream and have the following structure:

Label Target ID
Classpath Container ID [M] Specifies the Java identifier of the classpath resource.
Project ID Specifies the Eclipse resource ID of the project for which the classpath resources are retrieved.
Element Type Specifies the match name identifying the AWM element type.