Create Resource


This tool creates new Eclipse folders or files. It supports mass processing.

Tool Attribute:

Attribute Type Description
Create Link [M] Boolean Specifies whether the created resource is a linked resource.
With UI [M] Boolean Specifies whether the Eclipse UI dialog box is used to prompt for additional parameters.
Resource Type [M] Selection Specifies the Eclipse resource type to be created. Valid values include:
  • Folder
  • File
  • From Parameter. Use this value to enable the Eclipse resource type to be defined by a tool input parameter.
Existing Resource Handling [M] Selection Specifies handling when the target resource already exists.
Valid values include:
The target resource is replaced without a message.
The target resource stays untouched.
An error message is produced.
From Parameter
The handling is defined by an additional tool parameter.
Path Includes resource Name [M] Boolean Specifies whether the name of the Eclipse resource is included in the resource path.


Parameter Name I/O Type Description
Eclipse Path [M] I String Eclipse path to the new resource and must be the full path if the attribute “Including Filename” is set to “true”.
Resource Type [O] I String The type for the new resource.

Only enabled if the tool attribute Resource Type is set to From Parameter.

Valid values include:
  • Folder
  • File.
Resource Name [O] I String Name of the new resource. Only enabled if the tool attribute Including Filename is set to false.
Existing Resource Handling [O] I String Specifies handling when the target resource already exists. Valid values include:
The target resource is replaced without a message.
The target resource stays untouched.
An error message is produced.
Only enabled if the tool attribute Existing Resource Handling is set to From Parameter. Default value: Error
Link Path [O] I String Path to the linked resource. Only enabled if the tool attribute With UI is set to false and tool attribute Create Link is set to true. The path can be absolute or relative to the workspace.


  • This tool is executed as mass processing in the following scenario:
    • "Mass Processing" attribute of Eclipse Path is set to true:
      • "Mass Processing" attribute of Resource Name must be set to true if present.
      • "Mass Processing" attribute of Link Path must be set to true if present.
    • "Mass Processing" attribute of Eclipse Path is set to false:
      • "Mass Processing" attribute of Resource Name is set to true if present and "Mass Processing" attribute of Link Path is set to true if present.
  • The"Mass Processing" attribute of Resource Name and Link Path must be the same.
  • If the tool is a mass processing tool, the "Mass Processing" attribute of Resource Type may be true or false.
    • false:  All new resources are create with the same resource type.
    • true: Each resource is created with the corresponding resource type.