Software Requirements

The setup file requires that the following software and libraries are installed before you start the installation, and that certain environment variables are set.

Software required by the setup file

The following software must be installed in advance:

  • Java v11 or later such as AdoptOpenJDK 11 (LTS) with HotSpot or later. (Note: Since June 2021, this JDK is now part of the Eclipse Foundation, owned by the Adoptium Working Group; its new name is Adoptium's OpenJDK Temurin 11.)
  • The unzip utility.
  • The "awk", "ed", "ps", "sed", tar", "sed", and "which" utilities must be installed and added to the PATH.
  • The pax archiving utility. Pax is distributed with most UNIX and Linux systems but, if it is missing, you must install it separately. To verify pax is installed, run pax --help or pax --version at the command line.

    On Red Hat 8.1, pax is no longer installed by default. You must install the spax version found in the OS ISO. Use the yum install spax command.

  • If SELinux is installed and you plan to use anything other than core COBOL functionality, or plan to use Enterprise Server within an environment with ASLR enabled, the "SELINUX" configuration must be disabled. To do this, set SELINUX=disabled in /etc/selinux/config.

Libraries required by the setup file

The 32-bit libraries listed below are required on both 32-bit and on 64-bit Operating Systems for this product to install and work correctly.

If installing on a 64-bit OS, the 32-bit libraries are not installed by default and must be installed before you start the installation.

Library Bitism Platform
32-bit 64-bit SUSE 121 SUSE 151 Red Hat 7 Red Hat 8 CentOS 8.2 Ubuntu 20.4 Amazon Linux 2
glibc2 X X X X X
libgcc X X X X X
libgc1c2 X X
libstdc++ X X X X X
glibc-locale3 X X X X
libXtst6 X X X X
libXtst X X X X X
glibc-devel X X X X
gtk3 X X7 X7 X X7
PackageKit-gtk3 X X7 X7 X X7
libcanberra-gtk3 X X7 X7 X X7
webkitgtk3 X
webkit2gtk3 X X7
webkitgtk4 X X X X
xterm Any version Any version X X X X X
unzip Any version Any version X X X X X
libgnome X X
libgtk-3-0 X X7 X7 X
gtk3-tools X X7 X7
gcc45 X X X X X X X
cpp4 X X X X
libnotify-tools6 X X X X
libnotify X X
libjasper1 X X X
libjasper4 X X
  • Libraries marked with an 'X' are not included in the platform and need to be installed separately.
  • 1On SUSE 12 or 15, you can only install the 64-bit version of Visual COBOL. The glibc-locale-32bit library is still required by the SafeNet licensing components.
  • * Additional libraries required to use the core_on_error runtime variable. The gdb packages (for the GNU Project Debugger) can be installed from the install media for your OS.
  • 2The glibc-locale-32bit library is only required if you want to install the SafeNet licensing components. If this is present, the installer installs and configures both SafeNet and AutoPass licensing. If glibc-locale-32bit is not installed, the installer only installs AutoPass licensing.
  • 3On 64-bit Red Hat 7, you only need to install glibc-2.17*.x86_64 and glibc-2.17*.i686.
  • 4On Red Hat, these libraries are required to enable COBOL to compile.
  • 5On Red Hat, only the 64-bit gcc libraries are required.
  • 6For SUSE 12 and later, you might need to install the Notifications Library tools (libnotify-tools). This is to enable notifications to be displayed by the notify-send tool when starting Visual COBOL for Eclipse from a desktop icon. Execute the following command to install the libnotify-tools library:
    zypper install libnotify-tools
  • 7The minimum GTK support required is 3.20. Certain platforms meet this requirement without the need of installing the libraries manually; for example Red Hat 7.4 and SUSE 12 SP3.

Required environment variables

Before you start the installation, you need to set the environment as follows:

  • Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable. When installing the product, set this variable to a 64-bit Java installation or the installation terminates. For example, execute the following:
    export JAVA_HOME=java_install_dir

    where java_install_dir is the path to the JAVA installation directory such as /usr/java/javan.n

  • Add $JAVA_HOME/bin to your system PATH variable. To do this, execute:
    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
  • You need to set the LANG environment variable to pick up localized messages. If you do not set it as specified here, the installation will run but you might experience unexpected behavior from the installer.

    The LANG settings are English and Japanese only so set it to one of the following locales:

    C, default, en_GB, en_GB.UTF-8, en_US, en_US.UTF-8
    ja_JP, ja_JP.SJIS, ja_JP.UTF-8, ja_JP.eucJP, ja_JP.eucjp, ja_JP.sjis, ja_JP.ujis, ja_JP.utf8, japanese

    You can set LANG before running the setup file as follows:

    export LANG=C

    Alternatively, add it to the start of the setup command line:

    LANG=C ./setupfilename

    See Using the LANG Environment Variable for details.

Software installed by the setup file

  • The setup file installs Visual COBOL and the 64-bit version of Eclipse 4.16 (2020-06). After the installation, you can install Visual COBOL as a plug-in into other Eclipse 4.16 (2020-06) instances available on the same machine - see Installing Visual COBOL into other instances of Eclipse.
    Note: On SUSE platforms, you can only use the 64-bit version of Eclipse to produce 64-bit applications; on other 64-bit platforms, you can use Eclipse to produce both 32-bit and 64-bit applications.
  • Xterm, the terminal emulator for the X Window System, is part of your UNIX/Linux distribution but is not installed by default. Use your UNIX/Linux installation media to install it.

Requirements for running the product

  • Java 11 (64-bit) is required to run the Eclipse IDE. The minimum recommended version is AdoptOpenJDK's OpenJDK 11 (LTS) with HotSpot. You can download AdoptOpenJDK's OpenJDK 11 (LTS) with HotSpot from AdoptOpenJDK's Web site and unpack the archive anywhere on your machine.

License Manager requirements

  • For local servers, you do not need to install the Micro Focus License Administration tool separately, as the setup file installs a new Visual COBOL client and a new licensing server on the same machine.
  • If you have any network license servers, you must update them before you update the client machines.
  • If you are upgrading from Visual COBOL release 2.2 or earlier, uninstall the license manager before installing the product.
You can download the new version of the license server software by following these steps:
  1. Log into the Software Licenses and Downloads (SLD) site at
  2. Select your account and click Downloads.
  3. Select a product and a product version from your orders.
  4. In the list of software downloads, locate the License Manager.
  5. Click Download to download an archive with the installers.
  6. Run the installer suitable for your Operating System to install License Manager on your machine.

HP-UX Java requirement:

The latest version of Micro Focus License Administration is provided on HP-UX without a Java JRE. Therefore, on HP-UX platforms, you now must install a Java JRE version 11 or above on your machine before installing 7.0 Patch Update 6 of this product. You need to ensure that the Java is available to the product installer when you run this as the root or superuser on the system. To do this, follow these steps to install this Patch Update on HP-UX:

  1. Install a Java JRE version 11 or newer.
  2. Set the JAVA_HOME and PATH environment variables to the Java JRE location in order for the root user to be able to use it.
  3. Run the Micro Focus Patch Update product installer.

The installer installs the AutoPass licensing .tar file over the top of any AutoPass license files that are already on the machine, so any existing licenses and configuration settings are preserved. The installation process removes any previously installed JRE. The Java 11 JRE is required for starting the AutoPass daemon and for using the CES admin tool found in the SafeNet installation.