If the subject of this entry is of class index, object, or pointer, the implicit definition of this method is as follows:
METHOD-ID. GET PROPERTY data-name. DATA DIVISION. LINKAGE SECTION. 01 LS-data-name data-description. PROCEDURE DIVISION RETURNING LS-data-name. par-name. SET LS-data-name TO data-name EXIT METHOD. END METHOD.
If the subject of this entry is of category alphanumeric-edited, national-edited, or numeric-edited, the implicit definition of this method is as follows:
METHOD-ID. GET PROPERTY data-name. DATA DIVISION. LINKAGE SECTION. 01 LS-data-name data-description. PROCEDURE DIVISION RETURNING LS-data-name. par-name. MOVE data-name TO LS-data-name (1:). EXIT METHOD. END METHOD.
Otherwise, the implicit definition of this method is as follows:
METHOD-ID. GET PROPERTY data-name. DATA DIVISION. LINKAGE SECTION. 01 LS-data-name data-description. PROCEDURE DIVISION RETURNING LS-data-name. par-name. MOVE data-name TO LS-data-name EXIT METHOD. END METHOD.
where LS-data-name has the data description of the subject of the entry, including its subordinate items, with the exception of:
If the subject of this entry is of class index, object, or pointer, the implicit definition of this method is as follows:
METHOD-ID. SET PROPERTY data-name. DATA DIVISION. LINKAGE SECTION. 01 LS-data-name data-description. PROCEDURE DIVISION USING LS-data-name. par-name. SET data-name TO LS-data-name EXIT METHOD. END METHOD.
If the subject of this entry is of category alphanumeric-edited, national-edited, or numeric-edited, the implicit definition of this method is as follows:
METHOD-ID. SET PROPERTY data-name. DATA DIVISION. LINKAGE SECTION. 01 LS-data-name data-description. PROCEDURE DIVISION USING LS-data-name. par-name. MOVE LS-data-name TO data-name (1:). EXIT METHOD. END METHOD.
Otherwise, the implicit definition of this method is as follows:
METHOD-ID. SET PROPERTY data-name. DATA DIVISION. LINKAGE SECTION. 01 LS-data-name data-description. PROCEDURE DIVISION USING LS-data-name. par-name. MOVE LS-data-name TO data-name EXIT METHOD. END METHOD.
where LS-data-name has the data description of the subject of the entry, including its subordinate items, with the exception of: