Outputs an event to one or more output destinations.


call "CBL_CTF_TRACE" using by value     flags
                           by reference component-id
                           by reference trace-event
                              returning status-code


Call prototype:cblt-x4-comp5
Picture: pic x(4) comp-5.
Call prototype: pic x(n)
Picture: pic x(n).
Group predefined as cblt-trc-event containing:
01 cblt-trc-event              typedef.
  03 cblte-trcevt-version      cblt-x4-comp5. *> pic x(4) comp-5.
  03 cblte-trcevt-flags        cblt-x4-comp5. *> pic x(4) comp-5.
  03 cblte-trcevt-event-id     cblt-x4-comp5. *> pic x(4) comp-5.
  03 cblte-trcevt-level        cblt-x4-comp5. *> pic x(4) comp-5.
  03 cblte-trcevt-data-count   cblt-x4-comp5. *> pic x(4) comp-5.
  03 cblte-trcevt-event-len    cblt-pointer.	 *> pointer
  03 cblte-trcevt-event-type   cblt-pointer.  *> pointer
  03 cblte-trcevt-event-data   cblt-pointer.  *> pointer
See Library Routines - Key.

On Entry:

Control flags:
Bits 0-11
Reserved for future use. Must be 0.
Bit 12
Value Meaning
0 Output event data only if the component is enabled for tracing, and if the event level specified by cblte-trcevt-level is greater or equal to the tracing level configured for the component.
1 Force the output of the event if the component is enabled for tracing. cblte-trcevt-level and the tracing level configured for the component are ignored.
Bit 13
Value Meaning
0 cblte-trcevt-event-data is an array of pointers to trace data of varying size and type. The corresponding elements of the cblte-trcevt-event-len and cblte-trcevt-event-type arrays need to be defined.
1 cblte-trcevt-event-data is an array of pointers to trace data of the same size and type. Only the first element of cblte-trcevt-event-len and cblte-trcevt-event-type need to be defined.
Bits 14-29
Reserved for future use. Must be 0.
Bit 30
Value Meaning
0 component-id is space-terminated.
1 component-id is null-terminated. This is ignored if bit 31 is unset.
Bit 31
Value Meaning
0 component-id is a pic x(4) comp-5 tracer handle returned from a call to CBL_CTF_TRACER_GET.
1 component-id is a pic x(n) text string. The termination character for the string is defined by bit 30.
Component identifier. This is either a pic x(4) comp-5 tracer handle (from CBL_CTF_TRACER_GET) if bit 31 of flags is not set, or a pic x(n) text identifier if bit 31 of flags is set.
Structure version. Must be 0.
Control flags. Must be 0.
Component-specific event identifier used to identify the type of event being output.
Tracing level of the event being output.
Number of trace data items, indicating the number of elements in the cblte-trcevt-event-len, cblte-trcevt-event-type, and cblte-trcevt-event-data arrays. This can be 0.
Pointer to an array of 4-byte comp-5 items. Each array element indicates the length of the corresponding trace data item in the cblte-trcevt-event-data array. This can be NULL if cblte-trcevt-data-count is 0.
Pointer to an array of 4-byte comp-5 items. Each array element indicates the type of the corresponding trace data item in the cblte-trcevt-event-data array. This can be NULL if cblte-trcevt-data-count is 0.
Value Type
0 Binary
1 Text (local encoding)
2 Address
3 COMP-5
5 UTF8
6 Signed COMP-5
7 Signed COMP-X
Any value other than the ones specified above is treated as type 0 (binary).
Pointer to an array of pointer items. Each array element addresses a trace data item of the type and length indicated by the corresponding element in the cblte-trcevt-event-type and cblte-trcevt-event-len arrays respectively. This can be NULL if cblte-trcevt-data-count is 0.
For address type items, the array element is the address value; not a pointer to the address value.

On Exit:

One of:


CBL_CTF_TRACE() outputs the specified event identified by cblte-trcevt-event-id to one or more output destinations provided that the event level specified in level is greater or equal to that configured for the component.


copy "cbltypes.cpy".
copy "mfctf.cpy".

78 78-EVENT-TYPE-A      value 1.
78 78-EVENT-TYPE-B      value 2.

01 component-id         pic x(7) value "mycomp ".
01 flags                pic x(4) comp-5.
01 trace-event          cblt-trc-event.
01 trace-event-lengths  pic x(4) comp-5 occurs 1.
01 trace-event-pointers pointer occurs 1.
01 trace-event-types    pic x(4) comp-5 occurs 1.
01 trace-info           pic x(10).
01 tracer-handle        pic x(4) comp-5.

move low-values to trace-event

set cblte-trcevt-event-len of trace-event to
    address of trace-event-lengths(1)
set cblte-trcevt-event-type of trace-event to
    address of trace-event-types(1)
set cblte-trcevt-event-data of trace-event
    to address of trace-event-pointers(1)

*> 1) Acquire a tracer handle to trace "mycomp" component events, 
*>    then output two informational events; one with event data, 
*>    one without.

call "CBL_CTF_TRACER_GET" using by value 0
                                by reference component-id
                                by reference tracer-handle
move 0 to flags
move 78-CTF-FLAG-LEVEL-INFO to cblte-trcevt-level of trace-event
move 78-EVENT-TYPE-A to cblte-trcevt-event-id of trace-event
move 1 to cblte-trcevt-data-count of trace-event
move length of trace-info to trace-event-lengths(1)
move 78-TRACE-EVENT-TYPE-TEXT to trace-event-types(1)
set trace-event-pointers(1) to address of trace-info

call "CBL_CTF_TRACE" using by value flags 
                           by reference tracer-handle
                           by reference trace-event
move 78-EVENT-TYPE-B to cblte-trcevt-event-id of trace-event
move 0 to cblte-trcevt-data-count of trace-event

call "CBL_CTF_TRACE" using by value flags
                           by reference tracer-handle
                           by reference trace-event

*> 2) Output two informational events for the "mycomp" component 
*>    without acquiring a tracer handle

move 78-CTF-FLAG-COMPID-STRING to flags
move 78-CTF-FLAG-LEVEL-INFO to cblte-trcevt-level of trace-event
move 78-EVENT-TYPE-A to cblte-trcevt-event-id of trace-event
move 1 to cblte-trcevt-data-count of trace-event
move length of trace-info to trace-event-lengths(1)
move 78-TRACE-EVENT-TYPE-TEXT to trace-event-types(1)
set trace-event-pointers(1) to address of trace-info

call "CBL_CTF_TRACE" using by value flags
                           by reference component-id
                           by reference trace-event
move 78-EVENT-TYPE-B to cblte-trcevt-event-id of trace-event
move 0 to cblte-trcevt-data-count of trace-event

call "CBL_CTF_TRACE" using by value flags
                           by reference component-id
                           by reference trace-event