This COBOL development system provides a number of ACUCOBOL-GT library routines in native and
.NET COBOL code.
C$CALLEDBY Returns the name of the caller of the currently running COBOL program or spaces if no caller exists or if the caller is unknown.
C$CALLERR Retrieves the reason why the last CALL statement failed. For accurate information, it must be called before any other CALL
statement is executed.
C$FILEINFO Retrieves some operating system information about a given file.
C$GetLastFileOp Retrieves the last COBOL I/O operation performed.
C$JUSTIFY C$JUSTIFY performs left or right justification of data and centering of data.
C$LIST-DIRECTORY The C$LIST-DIRECTORY routine lists the contents of a selected directory. Each operating system has a unique method for performing
this task. C$LIST-DIRECTORY provides a single method that will work for all operating systems.
C$MYFILE Returns the filename of the disk file containing the currently executing program.
C$NARG This routine returns the number of parameters passed to the current program.
C$PARAMSIZE This routine returns the number of bytes actually passed by the caller for a particular parameter.
C$REGEXP This routine allows you to search strings using regular expressions.
C$RERR Returns extended file status information for the last I/O statement.
C$RERRNAME Returns the name of the last file used in an I/O statement.
C$RUN ACUCOBOL-GT for Windows supports an alternate method for running other programs. This is through the library routine C$RUN.
This library routine works identically to the SYSTEM library routine, except that the calling program does not wait for the
called program to finish. Instead, both programs run in parallel.
C$SLEEP This routine causes the program to pause in a machine efficient fashion.
C$SYSTEM This routine combines the functionality of "SYSTEM" and "C$RUN". It allows you to run other programs from inside a COBOL application
in a variety of ways.