DELETE (POSITIONED) Deletes the row most recently fetched by a DataRows cursor.
DELETE (SEARCHED) Removes the DataRows that meet the row state and/or search criteria from the named DataTable.
FETCH Transfers all or a subset of a DataRows cursor into host variables or host arrays.
FILL Adds new DataRows to (or refreshes the existing DataRows of) the DataTables in a DataSet using data from the data source.
GET CHANGES Creates a new DataSet containing only DataRows that have been modified (deleted, added or changed).
GET CONNECTION Places the current OpenESQL connection and transaction objects into the supplied host variables such that the objects can
then be shared with other ADO.NET programs.
GET CURSOR Places a DataReader or a DataSet ADO.NET object used by the OpenESQL EXEC SQL cursor into the supplied host variable such
that the object can then be shared with other ADO.NET programs.
GET DATATABLE Copies a DataTable object into a host variable or creates a DataTable object within a host variable, enabling you to share
the DataTable object with other .NET languages.
GET RUNTIME Places the current OpenESQL MFADORTS object into the supplied host variable.
INITIALIZE DATASET Creates an empty DataSet for a previously declared one and optionally stores a reference to that DataSet.
INITIALIZE DATATABLE Creates an empty DataTable for a previously declared one, and optionally stores a reference to that DataTable.
INSERT Adds new DataRows to a DataTable. It is similar to the EXEC SQL INSERT statement which adds new rows into a SQL table.
LOAD DATASET Loads a DataSet that has been stored as an XML file and provides addressability to the corresponding ADO.NET DataSet.
LOAD DATATABLE Either loads a DataTable from an XML file, or uses a cursor to load a DataTable. Also provides addressability to the corresponding
ADO.NET DataTable.
MERGE Merges new data into a target DataSet or DataTable.
PREPARE TO FILL Begins the process of loading the DataTables in a DataSet from a data source.
PREPARE TO UPDATE Begins the process of updating a data source with changes made in the DataTables of a DataSet.
REBIND CONNECTION Informs OpenESQL that a shared connection transaction has been terminated and supplies a new transaction object for subsequent
REJECT CHANGES Rolls back all pending changes made in the DataTables of a DataSet.
SAVE DATASET Saves the schema and data of a DataSet to an XML file.
SAVE DATATABLE Saves the data and optionally the schema of a DataTable to an XML file.
SELECT INTO Retrieves one or more DataRows from a DataTable into host variables or host arrays, enabling you to select information from
a DataTable without declaring a DataRows cursor.
TO DELETE USE Specifies, for a specific DataTable, the SQL logic necessary to make deletes from a data source.
TO FILL USE Specifies, for a specific DataTable, the SQL logic necessary to load the columns of that DataTable with data from a data source.
TO INSERT USE Specifies, for a specific DataTable, the SQL logic necessary to make inserts into in a data source.
TO REFRESH USE Specifies, for a specific DataTable, the SQL logic necessary to refresh the rows of a DataTable, showing the changes made
to the data source after the UPDATE DATASOURCE statement was executed.
TO UPDATE USE Specifies, for a specific DataTable, the SQL logic necessary to make updates to a data source.
UNBIND Disassociates OpenESQL from a DataSet or DataTable in another ADO.NET application.
UNBIND CONNECTION Disassociates OpenESQL from the original ADO.NET connection object.
UPDATE Updates a data source with changes made in the DataTables of a DataSet.
UPDATE (POSITIONED) Updates the DataRow most recently fetched by using a DataRows cursor.
UPDATE (SEARCHED) Updates a DataTable either by using a standard SQL WHERE clause or by replacement via a host variable array.
USING Specifies the current DataSet name to be used in subsequent processing.