Restriction: This topic applies only when the Enterprise Server feature is enabled.
In order to use these property screens, your user account must have User Administration permissions.
- Click
on the menu on the left-hand side of an Enterprise Server Administration Web page.
- Click
Security Managers.
- Select the security manager containing the resource by clicking the relevant radio button in the Select column.
- Click
- Click
- Click
This displays a list of available resource classes.
- Click the
Edit button adjacent to the resource class to which the resource belongs.
This displays a list of available resources.
- Click the
Edit button adjacent to the resource.
- Specify the Access Control List(ACL) string for the resource.
The ACL specifies the access rights for the resource entity. Each entry in an ACL is referred to as an Access Control Entry,
or ACE. These entries are separated by semi-colons.
Each ACE specifies an actor, which is a user, a wildcard pattern for users, or a group, and one or more permissions that are
granted (allow) or denied (deny) to that actor. The format for the ACE is as follows:
- setting is allow or deny
- actor is the name of a user, a pattern with one or more wildcards (see Wildcards) string that will be matched against the
user's name, or a group name or wildcard pattern followed by a space and the word group (eg "ADMIN group")
- action-1 through action-n are permission tokens:
- none
- execute
- read
- update
- add
- delete
- control
- alter
- all
For example, the following ACL string:
allow:Test group:Execute,Read,Update,Add,Delete;allow:Operator group:Read
assigns the Test group execute, read, update, add and delete permissions for the resource, and assigns the Operator group
read permission.
- Click