call "MFUFMSG" using by reference msg by value msg-len end-call.
call "MFUFMSG" using by reference "Condition 4 has failed." by value 23 end-call.
Use this library routine (in place of MFU_ASSERT_FAIL) when your test case uses a mainframe dialect. Mainframe dialects such as ENTCOBOL restrict the names of program-ids and entry points to 8 characters or less, hence the shorter routine name.
The unit testing library routines use the mfunit_prototype.cpy copybook for call prototyping. If required, it is available from the cpylib directory of your product installation directory. Another of the unit testing copybooks (mfunit.cpy) contains a level-78 constant, MFU-ASSERT-FAIL, which you can use in your programs to invoke this library routine.