COBCH1489 Extension methods may only be defined in non-generic static classes

The program contains an extension method that can only be defined in a static class that does not have generic parameters.


Recode the extension method as part of a static class that does not have generic parameters; then recompile.


In the following example,the MyExt extension method defined in class-id a static is correct because this static method does not have generic parameters. The MyExt defined in class-id b is incorrect because class-id b is not static. The MyExt defined in class-id c is incorrect because class-id c uses a generic parameter.

       class-id a static.
       method-id MyExt extension (s as string, i as binary-long).  *> ok
       end method.
       end class.
       class-id b.
       method-id MyExt extension (s as string, i as binary-long).  *> Error
       end method.
       end class.
       class-id c static using T.
       method-id MyExt extension (s as string, i as binary-long).  *> Error
       end method.
       end class.