Restriction: These tunables are supported for native COBOL only.
ansi_input_mode Specifies whether the run-time system uses ANSI or OEM character sets when inputting keystrokes from a console or Application
Output window.
arguments_are_initial Affects the COBOL command line arguments returned from the syntax ACCEPT ... FROM ARGUMENT-NUMBER and ACCEPT ... FROM ARGUMENT-VALUE.
cobconfig_error_report Specifies whether any errors detected during the processing of the configuration file are reported.
command_line_accept Specifies whether the first ACCEPT or READ from STDIN takes the input from the command line.
command_line_linkage Enables you to call a program and pass the command line to the main program as a parameter to be accessed via the Linkage
core_filename Specifies the name of the file that is generated when the core_on_error tunable is set to 3.
core_on_error Specifies in what circumstances a core file is produced.
current_day Specifies the day of the month required to be returned when the ACCEPT identifier FROM DATE syntax or the CURRENT-DATE intrinsic
function is used.
current_hour Specifies the hour of the day that is to be returned when the ACCEPT identifier FROM TIME syntax or the CURRENT-DATE intrinsic
function is used.
current_minute Specifies the minute of the hour that is to be returned when the ACCEPT identifier FROM TIME syntax or the CURRENT-DATE intrinsic
function is used.
current_month Specifies the month of the year required to be returned when the ACCEPT identifier FROM DATE syntax or the CURRENT-DATE intrinsic
function is used.
current_second Specifes the second of the minute that is to be returned when the ACCEPT identifier FROM TIME syntax or the CURRENT-DATE intrinsic
function is used.
current_year Specifies the year required to be returned when the ACCEPT identifier FROM DATE syntax or the CURRENT-DATE intrinsic function
is used.
datewarp_dynamic Specifies whether the day, month, and year values specified by the current_day, current_month, and current_year tunables return
static or "rolling" values.
dbcs_text_enable_clip Specifies whether the font is clipped to the font height supplied by Microsoft Text APIs rather than overwriting pixels beyond
the font height when running in a GUI window (runw).
debug_on_error Specifies whether to enable just-in-time debugging.
debugger_command Specifies the command to start the debugger when just-in-time debugging is enabled
device_name_detection Specifies whether programs can use filenames that are normally reserved for device-names.
dynamic_dictionary_limit Specifies the maximum size of memory to be allocated dynamically at run time for use by virtual heaps.
entry_point_mapper Specifies whether entry point mapper support is to be enabled.
entry_point_mapper_alias_exists_error Specifies whether the Entry Point Mapping facility causes a run-time system error COBRT198 ("Load failure") when a program
with the same name as an alias definition is found on disk, or whether the aliasing occurs without loading the program with
the same name from disk.
entry_point_mapper_search_order Specifies whether to use entry point mapping to look for programs before or after searching for the programs on disk.
environment_mapper Specifies whether the External File Mapper is enabled. The External File Mapper allows you to assign values to environment
variables in a file. If the External File Mapper is enabled the system searches for the file mfextmap.dat.
error_on_duplicate_entry_point Controls whether an RTS 119 error is generated when an attempt is made to load a program containing a duplicate entry-point.
filename_escape_char Specifies the escape character used when interpreting filenames provided to the run-time system in calls such as CBL_OPEN_FILE.
filename_quote_char Specifies the quotation character used when interpreting filenames provided to the run-time system in calls such as CBL_OPEN_FILE.
intra_process_record_locking Specifies whether the run-time system can share a file and set record locks against a file within a process.
lock_mode Selects the locking implementation to be used.
mfpm_access_cancelled_data Specifies whether the Working-Storage Sections of AMODE programs that have been canceled continue to be addressable.
mfpm_external_data31 Specifies whether external data items are registered with Mainframe Pointer Manager (MFPM) above or below the 16 Mb line.
mfpm_logging Specifies whether Mainframe Pointer Manager (MFPM) events are to be traced.
no_mfredir Enables you to reduce the time the run-time system takes to initialize if your project or application does not execute remote
os_error_log Specifies whether an event is written to the Windows Application Event log whenever run-time system error COBRT199 occurs.
printer_redirection Redirects WRITE statements through the Windows print spooler.
profile_behavior Specifies the behavior of the Profiler with regard to the counting of time spent in called programs.
putenv_interface On certain platforms, this provides backward compatibility with previous products in the setting of environment variables.
reduce_java_signals Specifies the options that are passed to a JVM when mixing Java and COBOL.
remote_64bit_access Specifies whether 64-bit file access is permitted for unknown remote file systems.
screen_cols Specifies the initial width of the Application Output window or console.
screen_lines Specifies the initial height of the Application Output window or console.
shared_memory_segment_size Specifies the initial size of the shared memory block allocated by the run-time system.
signal_regime Specifies whether or not the COBOL Run-Time System is to post its own signal handlers.
stackdump_filename Specifies the name of the file that is generated when the stackdump_on_error tunable is set to TRUE.
stackdump_on_error When a program generates a run-time error, this tunable specifies whether a stackdump file is created. A stackdump file contains
a list of the threads in the process at the time of the error, and a stack trace for each thread.
strict_file_locking Enables or disables the strict file locking mechanism for UNIX platforms.
subsystem_cancel_mode Specifies whether logical or physical cancels are used for CBL_SUBSYSTEM cancels.
timewarp_dynamic Specifies whether the hours, minutes, and seconds values specified by the current_hour, current_minute, and current_second
tunables return static or "rolling" values.