CASXO0020 - CASXO0039
CASXO0020I XA resource name XA interface loaded. Name(XA name), Registration Mode(XA registration mode)
The XA resource manager's switch module was loaded successfully.
CASXO0021I XA resource name XA interface local transaction support enabled
The XA resource manager's switch module contained appropriate support for local transactions.
CASXO0022W XA resource name XA interface local transaction support disabled
The XA resource manager's switch module did not contain support for local transaction commit/rollback functions.
CASXO0023S Severe error detected in XAT resource name XA interface, RM interface disabled
A severe error occured interfacing with the XA Resource Manager.
CASXO0024I XA Switch XAT resource name, RM interface disabled on demand
A user disabled the XA Resource Manager.
CASXO0025I XA Switch XAT resource name, RM interface enabled on demand
A user enabled the XA Resource Manager.
CASXO0026I XA Switch XAT resource name, is installed to support one phase commit only
A user requested support for one phase commit only.
CASXO0027I XA recovery committed in-doubt transaction XID transaction number branch XID transaction branch number on RM Resource manager
Enterprise Server recovery has committed in-doubt transaction
XID transaction number
XID transaction branch number
for resource manager
Resource manager
CASXO0028I XA recovery rolled back in-doubt transaction XID transaction number branch XID transaction branch number on RM Resource manager
Enterprise Server recovery has rolled back in-doubt transaction
XID transaction number
XID transaction branch number
for resource manager
Resource manager
CASXO0029I XA log reported in-doubt transaction XID transaction number branch XID transaction branch number
Enterprise Server recovery has rolled back in-doubt transaction
XID transaction number
XID transaction branch number
CASXO0030S XA Automated recovery disabled for XA Switch Resource manager ID. The xa_recovery call returned rc XA return code.
This XA switch module does not support xa_recovery calls.
CASXO0031W ES has lost connection to the RM XA RM Name, attempting to reconnect.
An RM has lost connection, CRCN will attempt to reconnect the RM.
CASXO0032I ES has regained connection to XA RM Name
An RM has been reconnected to the region.
CASXO0033W XA Switch Resource Manager ID does not contain an xa_ping entry point, monitoring disabled
xa_ping not found in specified switch module, monitoring is disabled for this RM.
CASXO0034I CRCN Part of the message output by the Monitoring CRCN, CRCN LIST or CRCN REFRESH: XA RMs state list
Displays, at CRCN startup or on a CRCN LIST/REFRESH request, the RMs list actively monitored.
CASXO0035I Request to add XA resource XA RM Name received.
A request to add a new XA resource has been received.
CASXO0036I Request to update XA resource XA RM Name received.
A request to update an existing XA resource has been received.
CASXO0037I Request to delete XA resource XA RM Name received.
A request to delete an existing XA resource has been received.
CASXO0038I XA resource XA RM Name has now been enabled|disabled|added|deleted.
A request that was received to enable|disable|add|delete an XA resoruce has now been executed.
CASXO0039E Request to enable|disable|add|delete XA resource XA RM Name failed RC: return code.
A request that was received to enable|disable|add|delete an XA resource has failed.
Parent topic:
CASXO - CICS Transaction Manager Error Messages