Restriction: This topic applies only when a Database Connectors license has been installed via the
Micro Focus License Management System.
Using a timestamp column is the only way to absolutely ensure that modifications made to a row are not overwriting someone
else's changes. When it's reading a table that is open for I/O,Database Connectors for MssQL uses BROWSE MODE if a timestamp column exists. When
Database Connectors is creating a table, if the value of
TRUE, a timestamp column is included in the table. (Note that your COBOL FD should
not include the timestamp column.) While the default value is
Off (false, no), this variable can also take values of On (true, yes).
Note: Microsoft discourages the use of BROWSE MODE on Select statements because of performance reasons. Therefore, unless it is
absolutely necessary, do not set this variable to
Note: If you do not use this option, be prepared for REWRITE statements to fail with an error stating that someone else has modified
the row. Because of the AcuLocks1 tables, this can happen only from non-COBOL applications. For information about AcuLocks1
tables, see
Table Locking.